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— chapter thirteen: hyungs know better —

as the three sat down, mark was furiously thinking about what to tell his friends and what to not tell them. they already knew his scent had changed which most of the time was caused either by a big change in someone's life or an omega, in most cases both. mark knew that donghyuck had an impact on him but he didn't think the impact would've been big enough to change his scent that significantly as johnny and taeyong would pick it up.

"so where do i start?" mark asked, having no idea on where to begin.

"we already know it's an omega." johnny said with a 'duh' face "now tell us where did you meet them? who are they? are they your mate?" he bombarded the young alpha with questions.

mark took a deep breath, glancing at his two friends before starting to explain. it was a long story and he was interrupted quite a few times, not only by taeyong and johnny but also by doyoung who brought them the drinks. the man seemed to be panicked still as his movements were rushed. mark raised his eyebrows in confusion as to why doyoung was so on edge but he decided to ask the beta later when they two were alone.

after telling the story of how he first met donghyuck with jungwoo in the bathroom, then later finding him crying in the toilet stall to their first time he told them everything. of course he left little details out, like that donghyuck was very sassy and rejected him a few times and also how much he was actually yearning for the omega whenever he wasn't around. however mark had the suspicion that his two friends had at least picked up the last one as mark tended to drift away from telling his story and just gushed about donghyuck to his hyungs. ignoring johnny's and taeyong's snickering after he ended, the alpha sighed and smile at the thought of donghyuck. the boy's scent was still imprinted in his nose as it hadn't been long since donghyuck had left.

"so yeah, that's basically it. what about you two?" mark inquired from his hyungs who looked a bit guilty after mark's question which left him confused.

"we wanted to check up on you. we know it's been a while since you saw us and we feel bad whenever we're out without you." taeyong said, his guilt audible in his voice.

"oh, thank you," mark replied and gave the beta a happy smile, "i really appreciate it."

taeyong scooted closer to him and engulfed the young alpha in his arms once again. mark didn't protest but just let it happen, eventually embracing the hug. he knew that taeyong deeply disliked having to leave mark behind as the beta had always cared about the youngest in their friend group a lot. mark highly appreciated him for it and was always grateful for the beta being in his life.

"well, i'm here for another reason." johnny chirped in as taeyong separated himself from mark.

"what is it?" the latter asked curiously and then followed johnny's head nod towards doyoung. he giggled and playfully slapped johnny. the taller winced but mark knew he didn't hit hard enough to hit the alpha in any way.

"you're really crazy about him, huh? poor doyoung is going to think you're a creep." mark noted but johnny shushed him and responded sassily "you're in no place to talk. may i remember you that your whole scent changed just because a certain omega appeared in your life."

"and how's your love life going?" mark questioned taeyong, desperately trying to drive the topic away from donghyuck. taeyong however only shrugged, his face turning into a frown.

"our yongie is still not over his little crush on jaehyun." johnny noted and mark stared at the two in surprise.

"still?! hyung, it's been years." he said and taeyong gave him a sad smile.

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