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— chapter twelve: an unexpected applicant —

today's therapy session was different from those before. since in the past weeks mark's frustration had built up, he felt caged up when talking to taeil. he would either get aggressive or completely shut the beta out.

today however was different. mark felt at ease, relaxed. he had the suspicion that it was because of donghyuck which taeil seemed to share.

"so you met him again. the omega." the beta noted. mark nodded, leaning back in his chair.

"you seem relaxed today. is there any correlation to your calm behaviour and you meeting donghyuck?" taeil asked.
mark shrugged and said "i thought you were supposed to tell me."

the beta chuckled at mark's comment before taking a quick note. then he said "i am pretty sure there is. not just because of the omega himself but also because you could release all the sexual frustration you've been holding in for the past few weeks. how come you didn't go for another omega?"

mark broke their eye contact. he felt exposed as taeil was telling him what he had been denying to himself. a heat rushed into his cheeks and ears as he replied "i didn't feel like it."

it was partly true. he didn't feel like fucking some random omega. however what he didn't tell taeil was that he couldn't even stand the thought of another omega touching him anymore. it was always donghyuck on him mind and ever since the two had fucked, mark only felt needy for him. any other omega was now boring, tasteless almost. their scents didn't attract the alpha, rather they were muted out unless they were close to donghyuck's.

"so if you didn't feel like it for the other omegas then what's so special about donghyuck?" taeil asked. mark shrugged and kept quiet as he didn't know. it was something that he couldn't pinpoint, a word at the tip of his tongue that his brain seemed to just not let him say it. frustrated, mark sighed. taeil seemed to sense it so he changed the topic.

"i've noticed your recent anger flare-ups. you've been more aggressive lately, especially towards people who hold more authority than you do. however you haven't spoken to your father, have you?" he questioned calmly.

"no, i haven't. i can't explain it either." the alpha responded.

"since our method doesn't seem to work, i want to try something else with you." taeil said. mark looked at him, scared of what was to come. hopefully he wouldn't have to do confrontation therapy since he already knew that it would end up with both him and his father wanting to kill each other.

"you need to somehow get rid of your aggression and i'm sorry to tell you but just having sex with an omega won't be enough to work against your anger and frustration. so i want you to do sport. boxing in particular." taeil explained. mark raised his eyebrows sceptically and asked "and why boxing?"

"i'd rather have you punch a sand bag than innocent people at mine and my friend's bar." taeil replied with a small, sardonic smile. mark couldn't help but like him for the comment as he didn't take too much offence to it.

"this way you'll get hopefully calmer and sport is also a great way to learn and practice control over your inner alpha." taeil explained.

"and what are you going to do meanwhile?" mark questioned.

"oh, it's not to replace these sessions." taeil corrected the alpha "it's an addition because these sessions only don't have the success that i would like them to." he added.

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