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— the end —

"jeno! jaemin! i told you not to play with the cat. now he's at our front door, expecting to get fed by you two." donghyuck scolded his little children.

"relax it's just renjun, the neighbours cat. we know he's harmless, hyuckie." mark told his mate who gave him a look.

"they should know better than to play with any cat they meet regardless. what if one day they want to get one. you know these two are already enough to handle." donghyuck replied but his face softened up when mark pecked his nose. then the alpha let in the cat, jaemin and jeno cheering at their potential play mate.

"renjunnie!!" jaemin yelled out loud and lifted the cat up. jeno next to him started patting it and renjun purred loudly as he was obviously enjoying it.

"they're so loud sometimes." donghyuck sighed.

"so are you though. especially in bed." mark noted and gave the omega a wink. donghyuck huffed, sticking out his tongue at the older and said "i know you like it when i'm loud."

mark put his index finger to his mate's lips and hushed him "shh, what if they hear us?"

"look at them, they're way too occupied with the cat." donghyuck laughed against mark's finger.

and he was right. jeno and jaemin were still happily playing around with renjun, the cat obviously not minding it. mark watched them in adoration as they were his whole pride and joy next to donghyuck of course.

when they found out that the omega would be having twins both of them were surprised at first but neither of them had any problems with it. in fact both of them had been super excited and once the two boys were born their life became a lot more chaotic than it had been before. neither of them minded though. donghyuck had stayed home for the first few months and then later mark had taken time off work to care for jeno and jaemin.

back to reality, the doorbell rang. jeno waddled towards the entrance but mark swiftly picked the three year old up and opened the door. with a bright smile he welcomed the two guests.

"heyy uncle johnny and uncle doyoung!" jeno cheered and johnny high fived the little boy while doyoung said hello to mark.

"how has my baby been?" doyoung now turned to jeno who laughed at the beta and made grabby hands. mark handed the boy over to doyoung and then walked back to the living room. donghyuck was currently sitting on the couch, having both the cat and jaemin in his lap. however as soon as jaemin saw johnny and doyoung he excitedly jumped up and down, causing donghyuck to wince. johnny laughed and took jaemin onto his arm to baby the boy.

"glad you two made it!" donghyuck said to the two men, botj of which were now carrying one of the twins.

"so are we! has taeil-hyung arrived yet?" doyoung asked. donghyuck shook his head but as if to prove him wrong the door bell rang once again. this time donghyuck stood up and opened the door while mark chatted with johnny and doyoung.

as donghyuck came back he wasn't alone but with taeil, yuta and yuta's mate winwin. they had arrived at the same time so donghyuck let them in in one go. mark welcomed everyone before they all settled down in the living room.

"i guess jaehyun and taeyong won't be coming?" yuta asked, looking around for the two. mark shook his head and answered "nope, they're still in busan. they seem pretty busy lately but i heard they plan on having pups soon so then we'll probably get to see them more."

"speaking of pups, we have an announcement to make." doyoung spoke up. mark stared at him in surprise at stuttered "you- you don't mean.." doyoung nodded and mark and taeil both jumped up and hugged the beta, being careful to not hurt jeno. donghyuck meanwhile congratulated johnny and so did yuta and winwin.

"congratulations you two!" mark cheered happily, both johnny and doyoung being seemingly flustered but smiling brightly.

"by the way i didn't know you had a cat." doyoung said, obviously wanting to move on from the topic. donghyuck had already opened his mouth to call him out but mark nudged his mate's side to keep him from doing it. he answered doyoung "it's actually not ours but our neighbours. but apparently jeno and jaemin love playing with him so we just let it happen."

"ahh i see. what's his name?" doyoung asked, petting the cat that had now come close to look and probably play with jeno who was sitting in doyoung's lap.

"renjun. a cute name i must say." donghyuck replied to which doyoung agreed.

they sat together and chatted for the whole afternoon. it had become a tradition that once a month they would meet up just to keep in contact. johnny and doyoung came over more often as they were jaemin's and jeno's godfathers respectively. they would even stay the night so that mark and donghyuck would have a break from parenting for one night.

they talked until the sun had set. mark and donghyuck said goodbye to their guests except of course johnny and doyoung who were now occupied with jeno and jaemin.

"we'll go upstairs now. good night everyone." mark announced at gave both his children a goodnight kiss on the forehead. donghyuck did the same and then followed his mate upstairs. they settled down on the balcony which gave them a fantastic view over the city and the sky painted in the prettiest colours. it was early summer and therefore just warm enough to be staying outside without shivering.

"i can't wait for our first night of actual sleep." donghyuck exclaimed excitedly as he sat down next to mark on their hammock which the alpha had set up the summer prior.

"neither can i. who knew parenting could be so tiring?" mark joked. donghyuck laughed and rested his head on the alpha's shoulder. the latter turned and kissed the top of donghyuck's head. he intertwined their fingers and whispered "ah i missed this. just you and me."

"me too." donghyuck whispered back and raised his head again to look at mark. they locked their eyes and mark felt himself getting lost in the galaxy that donghyuck was holding in his glossy eyes. they hadn't changed one bit ever since they met, only that the omega now had dark bags under his eyes. but so did mark and neither of them thought of it as a flaw on the other.

"i love you, hyuckie." mark said quietly and nudged the man's nose with his own. he had said these words countless of times but he meant them every single time. just like donghyuck meant his "i love you too, mark."

they connected their lips in a long and slow kiss. it was the first time in ages the two had time to show each other how much they loved one another. donghyuck wrapped his arms around mark and the alpha sighed in content at the familiar feeling.

the rest of the evening they spent watching the sun set and the moon rise before going to bed. usually one was always asleep before the other but today both of them feel asleep together. donghyuck cuddled into mark's chest, the latter's arms protectively around the omega's waist. together as they were destined to.

the following will be the authors end note

hii babies!!
so this is it. i hope you enjoyed the story as much as i did! thank you for a staggering 25k reads, it means a lot. if you'd like to read more markhyuck, i just started a new story called 'cyber' which is human mark x android haechan and includes nomin and jaeyong. feel free to check it out if you're interested!

for now i say goodbye and tysm for all the support. i love every single one of you! stay safe everyone!

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