Chapter 2

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"Oh great... This is just perfect." Walter mumbled, kicking a small stone on the shore they found themselves on. At the moment, everyone had finally gotten to shore after Sindria was hit with a huge wave. The wave had sunken the entire island in a freezing time-loop. The wave was made by magic, that's for sure. Jafar groaned, putting his face into his hands in frustration. After all that hard work we did to make Sindria a reality... it just had to be taken away. Arghhh! Suddenly a hand came over his shoulder, Amy giving Jafar a concerned look.

"Are you alright?" She asked, to which, Jafar sighed, nodding. He was just frustrated, that's all. He looked at his friends around him. Keyne was helping Brandon up, the latters legs shaking and barely able to move. Keyne also looked like he was exhausted, as he carried his boyfriend almost the entire way. Kams was contemplating about how they escaped and how they'd survive, Keyne giving sarcastic comments. Jasmine was looking just as exhausted as Keyne, laying her head down on the sand and closing her eyes. Amy was going around making sure everyone was alright. Walter, being just as frustrated as Jafar for completely different reasons, was walking around, mumbling to himself. Lilly was on the verge of tears, staring at her shaking hands.

Jafar sighed, standing up and putting his hands in his pockets on his hoodie. He looked at their surroundings, seeing a familiar town and castle in the distance. He smirked to himself, turning back to his friends. "I know a place we can stay at and get rest." He ensured everyone. Lilly's face shot up and she smiled brightly.

"Oh what would we do without you?!" Keyne sighed, crossing his arms and shaking his head.

"We'd go to that town over there and ask them to help us...?" He mumbled. Kams giggled at her brother's remark, putting her arm around Lilly's shoulders.

"And how are you sure they'd help us, hm?" She asked. Keyne glared at his elder sister, kicking sand at her feet.

"You're a bully..." Kams pouted, walking away from Lilly and her brother to Jasmine. Walter walked over to Jafar, his eyes questioning.

"I have a question." Jafar raised a brow at his friend. Walter poked Jafar's nose, sighing. Jafar blinked at Walter, smiling a little when the latter shook his head. "When you leave Sindria for- like a year- only to come back for like a month- is this where you go?" He asked. Jafar looked over at the town and castle in the distance, smiling sadly. He shrugged. (I forgot to add this, but Walter is really smart and notices things that many people might not)

"You'll just have to see." He answered, walking away. Truthfully, he had visited Balbadd every time he left Sindria. He had also visited Kou, Magnostadt, Immchack, and even Sinbad's home country, Partiviea- oh. And it's also Jafar's home country haha... Once everyone was settled with walking, they set off to Balbadd.


As they entered the town of Balbadd, Jafar was greeted by a lot of familiar faces from his earlier adventures. He was once greeted by this one young child with a short braid in her blue hair. Her name was Jenn and she was 6. Jafar was the one to help her mother give birth to the child of the slumps. And yes, sadly, the slumps still exist, but they're more taken care of. "Jafar-nii!!" Jenn called, waving her hand at Jafar. The latter smiled at the child, lifting her in his arms happily. "Did you bring mommy a present like last time?" She asked. Jafar chuckled, resting his forehead on Jenn's.

"Yes, I brought her and you a present." Jenn's eyes lightened as she hugged Jafar. That's when her gaze fell upon Jafar's friends who were looking at all the fishes and fruits in store.

"Who're they...?" She asked, pouting a little. Jafar looked behind him, smiling at his friends as they turned their attention to the latter and the girl. He set Jenn down, turning to his friends and placing his hand over her head.

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