Chapter 5

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The new generation of Al Tharmen was supposed to make peace with Sindria long ago. But the magic that made that wave over Sindria, freezing it in time, was Al Tharmen's mages magic. Now they were coming to Balbadd. Al Tharmen- thankfully- did not know Jafar was alive so it couldn't have been that reason. Maybe they were still trying to take over the world!?

Jafar clenched onto his hoodie, trying to steady his breathing. Alimor was by his side the entire time, rubbing his back over and over. Once Jafar was calmed down enough, Alimor leaned over to whisper. "Should we fight, or run?" He asked. Jafar clenched his fists tightly.

"I'd like to fight, but my friends..." Jafar whispered back, looking away.

"'Friends?' You didn't refer to them like that before." Alimor whispered.

"S-shut up. I don't want them to see that side of me..." Jafar mumbled, standing up with the help of Alimor. Alimor smiled a little, nodding.

"Then lets get them out of here." Jafar nodded, turning back to the group as they were packing things up. Kams lifted Keyne's limp body on her back, looking over at Jafar.

"He deserves to at least to be buried." Jafar nodded. Amy and Walter were getting food and water ready in bags as Lilly was trying to get Brandon to stand up. Jafar looked down, shaking his head before walking to the door once everyone was ready. Well, everyone except Brandon. He stayed at the floor in the corner. Jafar sighed, looking at everyone.

"You guys go on ahead. I'll stay here and try to talk to him." As everyone started to walk outside, Alimor grabbed Jafar's arm. His eyes questioned him, but Jafar smiled. "I'll be fine." He reassured. Alimor sighed, moving Jafar's palm, placing two items on it. Jafar's eyes widened as he did, but just smiled sadly. I thought I had lost these long ago. Alimor looked at Jafar's eyes, serious, whispering something to him.

Once he was done whispering, he said, "You better stay safe. Or else." Jafar nodded, Alimor walking out of the building and running to catch up with the others. Jafar turned back to Brandon, who was staring at the ground. Slowly, he walked over to him, kneeling down.

"Hey." He greeted. Brandon breathed a heavy sigh, stuffing his face into his knees as he hugged them tighter. Jafar frowned, placing his hand over his knee. "Brandi? Come on, it's me." Brandon slowly looked up at Jafar, glaring a little.

'Maybe I should just kill myself...'

"Hey, you ok?" Someone asked. It had been pouring outside, and Brandon couldn't take his parents anymore. He'd run away at the age of 16. Slowly, his entire body soaking, he looked up, seeing a guy around his age with white hair. He leaned down, placing his hand over Brandon's knee. The latter glared a little, gaining a small chuckle from the other. "Are you lost?" Brandon looked away, huffing.

"No. I know exactly where I am. And you will not be returning me to my parents, got that?" The guy snickered but nodded.

"Alright. Funny you mention it, I was getting kinda tired. Mind if I sit next to you for a bit?"

"You're gonna get drenched." Again, he snickered.

"Like I'm already not." Brandon looked at the guys clothes. They were drenched, that's for sure. After a few moments of awkward silence, the guy broke it. "I'm Jafar. You?"

"Brandon." Jafar smiled, nodding.

"Well, Brandi," He placed his hand over Brandon's knee, standing up.

"It's not Brandi..." Jafar chuckled softly.

"Try not to get a cold." Jafar then walked away, humming a little. 'What a strange guy.' Even so, Jafar had changed Brandon's life. The next day Brandon had met Amy, who offered him a job at her shack, where he saw Jafar. They'd be working together. After some time, Kams and Keyne bother started working there, well, Kams did. Keyne was just there for moral support. It was... nice. If Jafar hadn't talked to him that night, he'd would've killed himself...

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