Chapter 6

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Oh god damnit. Just when everything seemed to be going alright... Jafar groaned as he sat up, feeling the ground rumble underneath him. This wasn't good, as his leg was trapped under something. He pulled on his leg, the pain becoming more intense by the second. "Arghh!" With more pulls, the only thing he got was pain.

Jafar limped back to the ground, unable to move his leg. Now this just sucked. I need to get out of here, but I don't have the strength to pull myself up... Dusk clouded his vision as Jafar slowly closed his eyes. Why is it always me? "Jafar!!" That voice... Jafar looked up from his tears stained eyes to the voice. Full on tears streamed down his face as he saw her. Rurumu. She ran to him, putting her hand over his head so that he could rest it. "Thank Solomon you're ok!" She cried, hugging her first child tightly. Jafar didn't even know what to say except the words, "mom." He stuffed his face into her chest, crying.

"Mom..! Mom!!" This... this was comfort. This was the comfort Jafar needed all this time. So many emotions were flowing inside his mind as he shook. Rurumu was back. She was back! Jafar tightened his grip on her, as if he'd let go she'd disappear. Rurumu chuckled slight before quickly looking behind her.

"Kikiriku, help your brother." She told her other son, who had appeared behind her. Jafar's eyes watered again as he gripped onto Kikiriku's hand as Rurumu pushed the bolder off his leg. Jafar let out some sort of scream as he felt a bone almost break.

"ARGHH!" Once Rurumu got the bolder off his leg, she and Kikiriku helped him sit up. Kikiriku placed his hand over Jafar's leg, which gained a whimper from the other. He stuffed his face back into his mom's chest, trying to hold in his cries. After a few minutes, he settled down, staring down at his leg. It was swollen, but far from broken. Thank the gods. He looked at Kikiriku. "Kiki, where is everyone else?" He asked. Kikiriku sighed.

"We don't know. When the blast happened, we were all spread out." Jafar clenched his fist, standing up only to wince and fall back. Rurumu caught him before he could hurt himself more.

"You should rest until your leg is better." She told him. Jafar shook his head again, standing up once again but refused to wince or fall. He stared down at the ground, clenching his fists.

"...I've been through worse pain than this. This pain... I can recover from this pain... but the pain I felt back then... that pain lasts forever, you carry it with you forever. You can't get rid of it. It's the pain of guilt and sorrow. But... I've survived that pain for 100s of years." Jafar turned around, looking at his mom and younger brother. He put his hand over his heart, showing no emotion whatsoever on his face. "So... I should be able to survive this." Then, out of nowhere, -which shocked Kikiriku and Rurumu- Jafar smiled. He chuckled, giving his hands to them and helping them stand up. His smile turned into a smirk when they stood. "So let's go kick some Al Tharmen ass."


Jafar ran around the palace frantically. After hearing that Al Tharmen was attacking Sindria, he didn't have much time to prepare himself. Especially for what was about to happen. He ran up to Hinahoho, who also seemed stressed. "Where's Sin!?" He demanded. Hina, turning to Jafar, huffed.

"I don't know, all I know is-" Hinahoho was suddenly cut off by a royal guard. He was out of breath, his legs shaking.

"The eastern part of the palace...!" Hina's eyes widened a little as he looked over at the guard.

"What about it?" He asked. The guard, catching his breath, responded quickly.

"It's... It collapsed!!" Hina's eyes widened larger than before as he sprinted towards the eastern part of the palace. Jafar ran after him, also worried. The eastern part of the palace was where Hinahoho's children were. 'Kikiriku...!' (Yes i know Rurumu and Hinahoho had more children but I can't remember them so I'm not mentioning them. All I know is that they had twins and one more after Kikiriku)

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