Chapter 4

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The decay. The blood. The death. The war. The pain. ... Is this just a fluke? A misunderstanding? A vision? No. This blood. I've tasted this blood before. I've smelt this iron taste before. I've felt this liquid before. Just where...?

Jafar ran down the long winding streets, going all the way back to the hotel. Balbadd, at the moment, was in flames, blood pouring into the rivers and ocean with screams. This was horrific, almost as bad as the first war Jafar was ever in. Looking around frantically as he got closer to the hotel, Jafar's breath hitched.

"AMY?! KAMS?! WALTER?!" He cried out, not getting a response other than silence. This pain in his heart. It clenched inside of him, his eyes watering as he wiped them. "WHERE ARE YOU GUYS?!" He called out, running to the hotel, only to see it had crumbled to the ground. "N-no..." Jafar took small steps towards the rubble, his legs giving out as he fell. "Guys...?" He asked, moving a wooden plank only for another plank to take its place. It hurt. It hurts. Help. No. No! Why?! NO! Jafar slammed his fists to the ground, yelling. "NO!! WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME?! WHY MUST I ALWAYS HAVE TO SUFFER?! ITS NOT FAIR!!!" Tears rolled down his face like rivers as he clenched onto his jacket, crying his eyes out. Slowly, he grabbed the knife from the old position, dragging it up to his chest. "...fuck. Just kill me already, Solomon. Or am I not allowed to have that, either?" As he brought the blade to his chest, blood running down a little, a hand came over his shoulder. Jafar looked up, seeing Walter.

Walter knelt down to Jafar, his eyes full of sorrow. Quickly, he brought Jafar into a deep embrace, his voice trembling. "T-thank god... Y-you're ok..." Jafar cried harder into Walter's shoulder, hugging him tightly. "A-Amy and t-the others are w-with king A-Alimor... But... Keyne is..." Jafar pulled away from the hug quickly.

"Where." He demanded. Walter nodded, standing up and leading Jafar to an old house in the far side of Balbadd.


As Jafar and Walter walked in, Jafars eyes widened. Keyne was laying on the floor, a blanket drenched in red liquid. -Blood.- laying over him. Kams was by his side, holding his hand tightly, sobbing. Jasmine was comforting Kams, rubbing her back. Brandon was in the corner of the room, his knees to his chest, his eyes no longer full of life. Amy was sitting on a box, putting on her best, "I'm ok" face. Alimor was leaning against the wall, looking down. Lilly was pacing back and forth in the back.

His face shot up when he saw Jafar, a bright smile coming onto his lips. "Jafar, you're ok!" Alimor ran to Jafar, engulfing him into a hug. Amy greeted Jafar with a slight smile, nodding a little. Walter walked over to Kams and Jasmine, whispering something to them before they both nodded, Jasmine leaving Kams to herself.

Jafar walked over to Amy, whispering over to her. "What happened?" He asked, worriedly. Amy sighed, shaking her head.

"When they started to attack, Keyne and Kams had run after you. We were all searching for you but couldn't find you anywhere. That's when one of them came out of nowhere and started attacking us. Let's just say Keyne wasn't so lucky..." Jafar looked down at Kams, who was sniffling and wiping her eyes. "God damnit... where even were you?" Jafar was suddenly shot back into reality by Amy. He looked down at his feet.

"I was in a cave near Balbadd... I go there a lot when I visit." Amy sighed, nodding while rubbing her head. She patted his shoulder, glancing over at Brandon who was still in the corner, looking just as dead as his boyfriend. She walked over to him, placing a hand over his shoulder. Jafar looked back over at Kams, sitting down next to her. Although his face looked completely calm, he was devastated inside. But, he just ignored that feeling, like he always did. "I'm sorry... it's my fault..." Kams shook her head, sniffling.

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