Chapter 3

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*Tw: attempted Suicide, homophobic gestures and wording, cussing*

"Oh... so he just came to let you know about the situation in Sindria? He didn't have to do that for us, Jafar doesn't even live in Sindria." Amy told the short version of Alimor's explanation. Alimor shrugged, acting like he didn't know all about Jafar's secret about being a general. He chuckled a little when he saw Lilly slouch a little.

"So he decided not to come back here with you?" She asked. Alimor snickered, remembering Jafar's slumbering face on the couch. He must've been exhausted beyond repair. Alimor shook his head, waving his hand dismissively.

"Oh, no no. He fell asleep at the palace, and I didn't feel like it was necessary for me to wake him up just for him to come here and crash out. You're all welcome to stay at the palace, if you wish. I know this hotel isn't the best." Amy chuckled, shaking her head.

"You're too kind. We will stay here-"

"But Amy~ It's the palace. We should take this offer!" Kams butted in. Amy just shook her head at her, sighing. Kams huffed before looking at Alimor, pulling Jasmine and Keyne to her side. "Well, it's not like we said we'd stay together! I'm taking these two to the palace with me." Brandon ran to Keyne, pulling on his arm.

"Kams, wait! Amy has an explanation for staying, and I'd like for us to stay together...!" Walter nodded in agreement, sighing.

"As much as I'd like to have the twins leave my sight, the best option is to stay together." He then turned to Alimor, giving a sly smile to him. "When Jafar wakes up, please send him back here. He might not think of us as anything other than people, but we all see him as family. We might not know the relationship between you and him, but we'd be grateful to you if he did have a safe return to us." Everyone, even the twins, stopped what they were doing and looked at the king, smiling. Alimor smiled what looked like a strained smile like he was about to cry back and nodded, bowing slightly.

"Of course, Jafar and I have been friends for years now, so I too, wish the best for him. He shall return to you all as soon as possible and in the best health." Then, without any further discussion, he left, his guards following behind him.

As Alimor sat in his carriage ridding back to the palace, tears of happiness fell from his eyes. He smiled a little. Thank goodness. Jafar-nii still has family. I was worried he was still alone in this world.


"Jafar~ Wake up~" There was a poke on Jafar's nose, making the latters face scrunch. "Haha! You look so cute, Jafar." Jafar groaned, looking up at the hulking beast before him. Sinbad. He sighed, rolling over and pulling the covers over his head. "Aww... Jafar, come on. Are you still mad at me, hm?" Sinbad kissed Jafar on his cheek after pulling the covers down to his shoulders. Jafar huffed, trying and failing to pull the covers back over himself. Sinbad had a hold on them, forcing them to stay put. Jafar glared up at the king, his eyes piercing. "Why are still mad..~? I didn't do anything too bad, did I~?" Jafar nodded.

"First you tore apart the palace while drunk, caused mayhem on your people while drunk that same night, and finally tried to sexually assault me while I slept." Sinbad chuckled, scratching the back of his head.

"Yea... sorry 'bout that. Forgive me?" He gave his hand out to Jafar, who sighed and slapped it away. "..." It was clear Sin was devastated by that response, but he kept his smile plastered on his face.

"I'll forgive you when you die, deal?" Jafar said, patting Sinbad's shoulder. Sinbad mustered up another smile, wrapping his arms around Jafar's shoulders. His voice stuttered a little.

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