Chapter 1

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The cries of the sun when it blazes into my face, the tears of clouds when it rains, the yells of the wind when it's windy and the roars of the ocean when the waves crash onto shore. They all are the same. I do not know why, but I feel connected to them. I feel connected to every living thing-

"Jafar~! Time to get up!" Kams roared as she pulled the blanket off of Jafar's body. She huffed, turning away from him as he sat up. "Jeez... Amy first lets you work here then you end of sleeping here so that you're not late." Jafar yawned, stretching as he stood up. Kams's lecture wasn't always the best, as most of the time it made no sense. Of course, Kams was an old friend to Amy's, the owner of the shack on the beach.

"Well, at least I'm here on time, right?" Kams huffed, crossing her arms. She shook her head, pointing at Jafar.

"You need to sleep at your own house for once! You can't just sleep here all the time! What about your family and stuff?!" Jafar pushed Kams's hand down, groaning and sighed. To be frank, Jafar's family was long gone. Before he could respond, Kams turned away. "Never mind, just help me set up the shack. Amy should be here soon along with Brandon and Walter." Jafar saw Keyne, Kams's brother, getting some stuff set up. He smiled, going to check around back.

Today was a Friday, which meant there would be a lot of high schoolers coming here for the weekend. It was somewhat annoying, but what could they do about it? But that meant Jafar would have to see Lilly again... She was a Junior in high school, and it was clear she liked Jafar. She wasn't bad, but just really annoying. It was mostly because of how she just wanted to stay around him. Jafar groaned, shaking his head, trying to shake off this thought. "Good morning, Jafar." That voice was Walter's.

Jafar smiled, looking at Walter who stood behind him. "Good morning, Walter. Is Brandon and Amy here yet?" Walter shrugged, looking around.

"Haven't seen them yet." He sighed. "I should've guessed Amy would be late but Brandon? Jeez." Jafar snickered, lifting up a large box. "I'm surprised you're able to carry these boxes." Jafar huffed, putting the box on a shelf. He ruffled Walter's hair, chuckling when he pouted. "Like seriously, It's weird." Jafar frowned, crossing his arms.

"What's weird?" Walter scratched the back of his head, mumbling the next words a little.

"I mean, you're supposedly named Jafar, the same as one of king Sinbad's generals 100s of years ago and even though your body doesn't look that strong you are able to handle heavy lifting... It's also super suspicious how we know what all the other generals look like but we have no fair description of the general named Jafar..." Jafar chuckled, ruffling Walter's hair again.

"I'll take that as a compliment and not an insult." Before he could walk away, Kams and Keyne popped into the conversation. Keyne often making his sarcastic remarks to his sisters words.

"Walter's right. It's suspicious~" Kams put her hands up, making clawing motions and scrunching up her face. Jafar guessed she was trying to imitate him when he was trying to be rude or something. But he could never be rude to his friends, so it always ended up looking similar to this... Keyne sighed, crossing his arms and shaking his head.

"You're the only one being suspicious right now. I wouldn't be surprised if you took some cash from the register last week."

"You saw that!?"

"Yes- WAIT WHAT!? COME BACK HERE!" Kams started to run away while Keyne chased after her. "You know that's illegal!! I don't want to bail you out of jail again!! Argh!!" Jafar snickered while Walter just made a disappointed face. He shook his head.

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