Chapter 9 *FINAL*

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Sinbad swung his sword aimlessly at Serendine, who easily dodged it. He hissed, backing up to take another strike. Aladdin, too, was furious, aiming his magic at her. She smirked, blocking both their attacks with some metal from a house. Sinbad and Aladdin both tried again, but failed. They tried again and again, but failed each time. They were wearing themselves off. At this rate, they'd die too... If it weren't for the hand that came over Aladdin's shoulder. The latter looked over to see Alibaba. He wiped his eyes from some tears, proving he had seen it. His eyes glared into Serendine's soul, furious, but he took a deep breath, sighing. "Ms. Serendine, I have a question for you." Serendine smirked, releasing her guard.

"Ask away." Alibaba sniffled, his eyes becoming determined. Determined to find an answer, win the fight, carry the weight of the anger from his friends and family. He was determined to do all of those things.

"Why do you care if Sinbad chose to marry you or not? It's in the past now, so why?" Serendine's smirk lowered as she started to glare at him.

"Sinbad destroyed my honer as a princess (i think). So, I decided that since he took my dignity away, I'd take away his love." Sinbad flared with anger behind Serendine, swinging his sword carelessly again. Serendine was caught off guard but managed to get away with a cut on her thigh. She hissed, but didn't make any more moves. Aladdin, seeing his chance, fired his magic at her. It hit Serendine in the back, making her lose her balance and fall over. That's when Hakruyuu and Morgiana entered the fight, with the latter kicking Serendine in the stomach. She flew all the way into Hakruyuu's spear, which sliced her back. But something was off... she didn't even look like she was fazed by getting hurt. She didn't scream or yell, she just forced herself up after every blow. It was like she wasn't getting hurt at all.

Alibaba examined the fight carefully before realizing it, his eyes widening. "G-guys wait!! Don't hurt her!!" Sinbad looked back at him angrily, yelling back.

"ARE YOU SAYING WE JUST LET HER GET AWAY WITH KILLING JAFAR!?" Alibaba's heart sank. He'd never seen Sinbad like this. This heartbroken, this lonely, this upset. It made his heart clench inside of him. Jafar was so close to Sin, yet he was gone now... Suddenly Serendine entered the conversation after getting hit by Morgiana again. Her body was a complete mess, yet she still stood tall.

"Now you know how that twerp felt when he watched you die in battle, Sinbad." She teased. Sin's eyes downed as he felt his heart sink as well as everyone else's. She was right, Jafar hated Sinbad for a long time after his death. To be honest, he didn't even know if he forgave him or not, even after apologizing. It must have been agonizing to watch Sinbad die after what happened earlier that day. Even so, Sinbad was now feeling that same feeling. He clenched his fists, his demeanor becoming one of a sea dragon ready to kill any boats in its path. Slowly, he took a step towards Serendine. Alibaba ran to him, grabbing his arm and pulling on it.

"D-dont, Sinbad!!!" He yelled. Sinbad pushed the kid away, coming up to Serendine who continued to smirk at him. He towered over her at this point, blaring out the sun in the background. He growled low, no life in his eyes anymore. He was just a monster now, determined to kill anyone who got in his way. Serendine just smirked harder, snickering.

"Whatcha gonna do now, shameless king?" Sinbad's eyes grew with anger as he pulled his arm out to swing his sword. He'd kill her at this point. Time went into slow motion as he slowly/quickly swung his sword at her neck. She smirked wider, pulling her hands up to cup Sin's cheek and leaning up to peck his nose, right where Jafar did. Then she whispered, "why won't you love me too...?" That's when anger blew through Sin's consciousness, if it hadn't already. The sword reached her neck right as Sinbad's eyes widened. He dropped his sword, dropping to the floor and clenching his crotch.

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