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King's Landing 298 AC.


She flew over the bay her eyes focussed on the ships below and her heart racing when she saw the silver seahorse flying proudly on the Pride of Driftmark. Seeing so many ships it had taken her a while to find it and once she did she had changed her plans for the day. Instead of spending it overseeing the fitting out of Dragonstone with Missandei and the others, she now knew she'd be spending it in King's Landing. Quickly she flew towards the Dragonpit making sure to fly over the Red Keep so they'd know that was her destination. That had been something that her nephew had been most insistent they all did, Jae not wishing for any of them, himself included, to not have an escort when they rode through the city.

Dany wasn't fearful of being alone and didn't believe there was any in the city who'd seek to do her harm, but she understood where her nephew's fears came from. While in Essos she'd seen what could happen even with guards and so while she valued her privacy, on this, she deferred. After landing she waited with Ellagon for her escort to arrive, Ser Robar and Ser Loras soon being revealed to be the ones that Jae had sent, along with men of the hundred. Ser Bonifer, Sandor, Belwas, Grey Worm, and the unsullied were all on Dragonstone, Dany having expected to be spending a few days on the island with them. As she looked to the Kingsguard she began to wonder if Aurane would like to visit there with her. The thoughts of him holding onto her as he sat behind her on Ellagon's back quickly bringing a smile to her face.

"Princess." Ser Loras said holding her horse's reins as Ellagon took to the sky.

"Ser Loras." she said smiling as she took the reins from him and mounted her horse.

Her silver had taken well to Westeros and other than her nephew's Winter or Joy's Apples she doubted there was a better horse in all the land. Even including both of those she'd not exchange her silver for either of them as her horse had come to know her mind and moods over the couple of years she had it, and even now was hurrying back to the Red Keep after sensing her excitement. She was surprised to see Jae himself was waiting for her when she reached the courtyard, her nephew looking at her with a concerned look on his face as he approached her.


"The fleet has returned, Jae." she said, and then she saw him smirk, on another occasion, it would be something she wished to wipe from his face, and yet on this one, she found it didn't irk her as much.

"I'll have a raven sent to Dragonstone." her nephew said as he turned and she smiled at him before heading towards her rooms.

Her clothing didn't need to be changed and she was not in need of a bath or to have her hair brushed and yet once she reached her rooms she insisted on all three. Dany quickly bathing and going through her clothing to find the outfit she wished to wear before changing. She then performed her best mummery, making it look as if she was just casually strolling through the Red Keep and not waiting on Aurane's arrival. It was something she knew she was failing at, her nervousness, her excitement, and her constant glances through the windows all belied the casualness she was trying to portray.

Had this been just weeks ago she'd have been surprised by the depths of her feelings for Aurane. They'd spent time together and there was an obvious attraction between them both. Each of them had initiated kissing without going much further and she'd welcomed the feelings that his lips on her own stirred within her. She'd spent time with him and had spoken of the future in generalities and on her life in Essos in more specifics. Aurane other than those who had lived it with her probably now knowing more about Essos and what she had done while there than anyone else. He'd shared his own stories too, telling her what it was like growing up both as a bastard and as a Velaryon, both bringing him equal amounts of disdain in Robert Baratheon's Seven Kingdoms. Hearing what it was like to be considered a bastard had made her speak about her nephew, Aurane telling her of meeting Jae both before he knew the truth and after it. Dany smiling now as she remembered it and what had happened after they'd spoken.

The Dragon Cub - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now