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Dorne 299/300 AC.

A Year in the life of Lord Bronn of Skyreach.

One Year ago.

As he watched Tyrion and Arianne land in front of him, he found himself almost reluctant to tell him what he'd done. It had not been his fault and he'd had no choice but he knew that perhaps wouldn't make a difference. Bronn may be a lord now but he was still who he had always been and not someone who'd been born into lordship. Was that not bad enough, there was the fact that he wasn't even Dornish to take into consideration.

A true Dornish Lord doing what he'd done would not suffer the consequences for it, if anything he might be feted because of it. Were he a prince then they may even give him an epithet because of it, such as the one Oberyn got for killing the Yronwood lord. Though according to Nym her father hadn't actually killed the man. Bronn thanked the gods for Nym as had she not come along when she did then he'd be in even more trouble than he already was.

Watching Tyrion climb down from Lygaron's back and seeing him help Arianne do the same, he knew he had to step forward and get in front of this right away. Soon enough others would tell their tales and in those, he had no doubt that he'd come out worse in their telling than he would in his own. He moved forward and though Tyrion was looking his way, his attention was still more on his wife than on him. It was only when he saw his expression that Tyrion said something to Arianne and then as Areo escorted the princess to her chambers to change, Tyrion walked his way.

"What happened?" Tyrion asked

"It wasn't my fault." Bronn replied.

"What did you do?" Tyrion asked.

"He had it coming." Bronn replied.

"Had what coming? Who had it coming?" Tyrion asked irritably as they walked into the Old Palace.

"I had no choice, it was him or me and you know I'm always going to choose me." he said trying to laugh it off.

"Bronn, what the fuck did you do?" Tyrion asked a little more loudly as he stopped and looked at him.

One day earlier.

The lesson he'd delivered was harsh but fair and he'd done exactly as Tyrion had told him to do. As he helped Ser Anron Gargalen up from the ground, Bronn leaned in close and left the man in no doubt whose disfavor he'd earned.

"My prince sends his regards, you'd do well to have him not seek to do so again." Bronn whispered as he smiled and held the man's hand.

"Fuck your prince." Ser Anron muttered.

"Careful or the next lesson I deliver will be a far harsher one." Bronn said before letting his hand go and watching Ser Anron fall to the ground.

Bronn then moved over to his wife and accepted her kiss, his eyes and her own were on Nym as she spoke to Arianne and yet smiled at them both. Tyrion was speaking to Jennelyn, though his eyes too were on him and his wife. Bronn smirking when he nodded at him. He looked forward to the feast that night and to the promises of the night to come. The looks on his wife's, her sister's, and Nym's faces all promising him a night he'd never forget. It wasn't always that they shared their bed together and both Jennelyn and Nym had made it a game to only reward them as they called it when he did something which pleased them. It was a game he very much enjoyed and given the looks on their faces, it was one that he'd won this time.

He was disappointed when Tyrion and Arianne took to the skies rather than stay and enjoy the feast and he knew they'd not be back until the morrow. Tyrion had confided in him that there was nothing like the open sky and laying in the desert afterward. Bronn wisely for once keeping his lips shut and not japing that it was perhaps the cold night's breeze on his exposed arse as he lay with his wife that Tyrion truly enjoyed.

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