407 11 8

Eastwatch 301 AC.


The torches lit the way to the ships and allowed for people to be moved quickly through the dark. Around him, men, women, and children moved in a far more orderly manner than he'd feared. So far they'd managed to get almost a quarter of the people onto the ships and out to sea and had been lucky enough that as of yet the fighting hadn't come close to them. He could hear the sounds of battle in the distance as could those who'd not yet boarded a ship and while his own worried feelings were under wraps, for now, it was clear that some of those who waited to leave were starting to let theirs get the better of them.

Was it not for how calm the men were in moving them and how quickly they were able to get people onto the ships, then he feared there may have been a panic. As it was, they were managing for now and he hoped that when and if that panic did come, he'd be ready for it. After some time he began to take people onto the Dragon's Breath to show them that even he was ready to leave when needed. More than that though it was the knowledge that his ship was his wife's ship as well and that Dany would see those on it were safe which offered up the reassurances that most needed.

He knew his wife was on Ellagon and that they were in the thick of things, and though he'd not been able to see the dragon as she flew through the air, he knew she had done so. That should cause him more concern than it did and he perhaps should be more fearful for her than he was. Dany though was not some helpless lady, far from it, his wife was fierce and could easily beat him with a blade. Upon Ellagon's back and in the sky was exactly where he wished her to be. Aurane had worried more about her when she was on the ground on Ellagon's back as dragons were unmatched in the air after all. History had shown that nothing but a lucky shot could take a dragon down when they were flying. While on the ground history had shown them to be far easier to kill.

"We've loaded most of the ships, my lord, shall we set off?" Kennat asked.

"No, not until the others are loaded. Any word from the battle?" he asked and Kennat shook his head.

"Should I send some to find out how it's faring?" Kennat asked and this time it was Aurane who shook his head.

"No, let them do their jobs, we have our own to do." he said and Kennat hurried away to do just that.

Over the next few hours or what felt like hours, as there was no true way to tell the time in the darkness, they managed to get another quarter or so of the ships loaded and out to sea. The panic that he'd feared may come had not. Those who were being evacuated had seen how quickly the ships were being loaded and it had kept them calm so far. He tough was starting to worry more and more and for some reason, a strange feeling that all was not right had come over him. Where it came from he knew not, but it was almost overpowering and just as he was ready to move away from the Dragon's Breath and head towards the Wall, he then heard the pained sound of Ellagon as she flew towards him.

Despite what it may do to the morale of those waiting to be evacuated, Aurane ran from the deck of the ship and down the gangplank. Ellagon landed on the open ground some way off from where the Northerners and the Free Folk lined up to take their places on the ships and Aurane knew their eyes were on the dragon and on his as he raced across the ground towards the dragon. Each step he took only made his fears rise and when he saw Dany being carried down from the dragon's back by Ser Bonifer and Grey Worm, he feared the worst.

"Dany, Dany, I'm here, I'm here." he said shakily as the two men laid his wife on the ground.

"Sandor, Belwas…." his wife asked as Aurane looked to Grey Worm and Bonifer who shook their head.

"Are safe and well, my love." he lied and then he cried out as her eyes closed.

He lifted her up from the ground himself, cradling her in his arms as he turned to look at Ellagon whose eyes showed that her worry was just as deep as his own.

The Dragon Cub - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now