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King's Landing 298 AC.


The cell wasn't bad and the food was tolerable which considering how things could have gone for him, he felt it could be so much worse. Especially when he heard the news of her death, Petyr surprised by just how little it actually affected him. Had this been another time and another place then he suspected that he'd have been broken by it. As it was he only had one abiding thought, better her than me. He was surprised though that she'd actually paid such a high price as he'd expected her to be sent to the faith or something lesser. Her family connections with the king something that he thought would at the very least keep her alive.

It did make him a bit fearful a little later on when he heard that the king himself both hadn't attended the trial and hadn't made the decision. The queen had been the one to sit in judgment and to sentence Cat to her death. Finding out afterward that the king was also now not in the city. Petyr worried that every time he heard footsteps outside his cell door or every time it was opened, he was going to be called to stand in front of someone that he had no deal with. To make matters worse the man with whom he had made said deal with not being around, meant that there was no proof of his deal for him to offer up either.

Sleep was hard to come by over the next few days, his mind was filled with memories of Cat much to his surprise. Petyr reflecting on what their life could have been like had he gotten her when he should have. When she was young and beautiful and his love was true. He had begun to realize not too long after they lay together for the first time in years, that it was that Cat and not the one in his bed that he truly loved. The Cat that was young and whose body was firm and tight, the Cat from before children and the years had ruined her. It had made him think more and more of her daughter and it was to images of her that he pleasured himself and sought a release that never came.

Putting his inability to spend down to his worries over his situation, he allowed his mind to drift to other thoughts. To the deal he had agreed to and to the plans he would see come to fruition once he had left this city. He'd been so close in Braavos. The connections he made would have seen him prosper and a prosperous man can achieve great things. That he thought he had more time was his true downfall. Had he thought they'd come after him so soon then he'd have traveled further into Essos itself. That they had come for him at all had actually caught him a little by surprise, as had the visitor he'd had not long after he'd been put in the cells. The king coming to speak to him and Petyr finally seeing the true measure of the boy.


He sat in the cell and felt his throat almost close shut, his breathing coming in quick bursts as he tried to figure a way out of his situation. Bribing the guards was a wasted endeavor, he'd tried that with the men on the ship to no avail, and with these ones, he'd have even less. Petyr recognizing them as men of the Hundred which meant they were as pious as Ser Bonifer himself. That they wore the three-headed dragon on their armor only proving their allegiance now held to the Targaryen too. Some men may break oaths for coin or the promise of a woman's delights, these men would not, much to his dismay.

That it wasn't the Black Cells he'd been taken to was his only comfort at the situation he now found himself in. Not that it would be a comfort he'd enjoy for very long, Petyr more than certain he would lose his head very soon. He could only hope to sow some discord and create a little chaos before he met his end. Something it would seem he would have a chance to do far sooner than he had expected, as he heard the cell door and looked at the man who stood there. The king was dressed in black and red and he stared at him before entering the cell. Petyr smiling until he saw the white wolf enter in behind him.

The Dragon Cub - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now