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King's Landing 298 AC.


He rushed from the Throne Room and ran to his rooms, almost bursting through the doors at the sounds of the screams that greeted him. Thankfully both his guards and Lya stopped him from doing so and he instead paced nervously outside their bed chamber while inside Ella and the Grandmaester did their work. Time seemed to stretch on and on and yet it was no more than a few moments after he'd arrived that the screams stopped. Ned looking around the room nervously before he got up from his seat and walked to the door.

Grandmaester Gormon opened it before he did, Ned looking over his shoulder to see that Elle was awake though he could see no sign of their babe. He waited until the man left the room and was standing in front of him before he began to ask his questions, only for the Grandmaester to speak his answers first.

"Your wife and the babe are both well, Lord Stark." Grandmaester Gormon said.

"They are?" he asked needing to hear it twice.

"They are and if you give us a few moments then you can go and see them both." the man said and he nodded as Gormon turned to walk back into the room.

"The babe, Grandmaester?" he asked.

"A boy, my lord." the Grandmaester said with a smile as he walked back into the room and closed the door behind him.

Ned sat down with a smile on his face, a son, another son. He already had two sons and two daughters that any father would be proud of. All four had grown up well and were on their paths and he could only hope that his new son would follow in his brother's and sister's footsteps. Looking around the room he was annoyed to see there was no ale and so instead he toasted his boy with water as he waited to be allowed in to see him and his wife. The Grandmaester taking some time to return from the room which made him worry some more. Only to find his worry was for naught and the delay was just about cleaning the bed sheets and allowing his wife to ready herself.

"You can go inside, Lord Stark." Gormon said.

"Thank you Grandmaester, for everything." he said to the man as he did so, Gormon telling him that he'd be back to check on them both and would see that a wet nurse was sent for.

Ned wasn't sure if that was on the man's recommendation or if it was something Elle had suggested and so he resolved to speak to his wife on the matter. Entering the room he saw her sitting up against the raised pillows, their babe in her arms and a warm smile on her face. When she bid him forward he moved eagerly and took a seat beside her. Looking from the babe to her and seeing her almost look nervously back at him.

"Our son, Ned." she said holding the babe out for him to take.

"You are well my love, you, the babe?" he asked as he reached out to take the bundle from her.

"Very much so." she said as he leaned forward and kissed her cheek before turning his eyes to his son.

He almost dropped him when he saw the grey eyes that stared back at him and the brown hair already growing on his head, the boy looking every inch a Stark. That he was reminded of a different babe and a different time made him feel bad that he wasn't just appreciating his son for who he was. Soon though he was laughing aloud as the noises the boy made reverberated around the room.

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