500 10 2

Riverlands 302 AC.

Jaime Lannister.

The rest had been needed, Jaime not even thinking about how Jae had done what he'd done and just thankful for it. As he was to see him rest even if it was just for an hour or so after he'd done it. He'd eaten, drank and while he'd not closed his eyes, he had taken the chance to rest himself too. As he had taken the opportunity to speak to his brother and uncle. Tyrion was well, tired and hungry as were so many of them, but he was well. Kevan on the other hand was anything but. It took him some time to realize what it was that was truly bothering his uncle and he felt a fool when he did so. Unlike the rest of them, Kevan and the men he brought with them hadn't truly seen the dead and certainly hadn't faced them.

Jaime did his best to comfort him, to offer him up whatever words he could, and to give him advice on how to face them when next they came. While he didn't relieve all his uncle's concerns, he felt he was in a far better place when he left him than he had been prior to him speaking with him. He talked to the men, offered them his thanks, and told them all how very proud he was to fight by their sides. His words were perhaps not as meaningful to some as Jae's were but they still resonated. Then he took up his position when Jae said it was time and with Blackfyre in hand, he waited.

He'd thought he'd seen it all today, the wildfire lighting up the sky with a vivid green light and Jae creating a wall of light by simply willing it into existence. As he and the others looked on they saw the scorpions fire the first of the firebolts and as they then cut through the dead as if they were nothing. The second volley was even more impressive and he heard some cheers ring out from the men and he then looked on relievedly as those who had fired them soon came riding towards them. Their lines opening to allow them to ride through and to then form up alongside them.

Then he like everyone else there watched as Melisandre, Moqorro, and the Fiery Hand showed off the power that faith in their god had given them. The wind wheels, catapults, and trebuchets all catching fire so quickly and suddenly that it could only be a magical thing that caused it. He and others heard the chanting and watched as a barrier of fire was made and then looked on in amazement as when the dead moved between the gaps between each obstacle they now faced, the flames reaching out and taking them as they did so. Jaime didn't see Melisandre and the others fall, but he had no doubt they had, as soon enough it was a full-on attack they were faced with.

"For the King and to Bring the Dawn." he shouted as he moved forward and held Blackfyre high.

"For the King and to Bring the Dawn." Arthur shouted.

"For the King and to Bring the Dawn." Oberyn did likewise and Jaime heard the shouts rise as they spread down through the lines.

He stepped back in line, roared out for those around him to ready their shields and spears and form a shield wall, and then heard the sound of the dead as they crashed against the shields. As the gaps opened up he thrust his sword into them. The dead he hit falling as soon as the Valyrian Steel pierced their flesh. Arthur was some distance away, not too far and still in his view as was Oberyn, but now that the fight was truly upon them and so he barely paid them any mind. Over and over he thrust Blackfyre and occasionally when a wight managed to break through the shield wall it was a slash of the sword that ended its journey.

When it happened, he knew not. Why it happened he understood very quickly as he felt the air chill even more and saw the line began to break. It had been inevitable, try as they might they'd not be able to hold the line forever and though he wished it had held for longer, they'd planned for this too. He moved back and readied his sword and then in his loudest voice he began to shout.

"Close Quarters. Close Quarters." he shouted out and heard others call out once he had.

In time if they were able to they'd reform the lines, for now, the fight was one that any man who had fought in a battle had faced more than once. It was one on one, side by side, enemies in their ranks, and all men were now to fight with all they had. That it was against dead things and not living men made no difference as the only thing you left a fight with was your life. Nothing else truly mattered other than that and he knew that these men knew that too.

The Dragon Cub - Part 2Where stories live. Discover now