Chapter 8

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Unsure where the meeting room was, you followed Niragi through the resort.
"Finally get to sit with the adults, huh?" He laughed.
"Just because I'm not as high up as you are here, don't make me sound as incapable as a child." You spat back. No matter how much sarcasm or bitterness you threw at him though, you secretly enjoyed his teasing but you wouldn't let him have his way with you.

As you were walking, he snatched your wrist and pushed you to the wall of the corridor. He had you caged in. He leaned in and spoke in a low voice.
"Are you sure about that? It was quite easy to get you right where I want you just now, cornered and vulnerable." He sneered.
You had no words. Moments passed, in which his nebulous, dark eyes stared into your E/C, enchanted orbs. How could this one man break your tough exterior with a single glance?
"Not so cocky now, are you?"
You were profusely embarrassed that he had you in such a state. You tried to look away and avoid the eye contact, but he just pulled your chin to face him once more. Looking into his eyes again, your heart was beating at a rapid pace and your breathing quickened. In that moment, you wanted him to do all sorts of things to you. You didn't care about the childish rivalry between the two of you at this point. You wanted him. He could read it all on your face and he smirked.

You didn't actually think he would do anything. But the next thing you knew, Niragi was leaning in and his lips were on yours. They were softer than you had expected, and the gentleness made you melt into the kiss. Slowly, it got more passionate. He bit down on your bottom lip and as you gasped slightly, he slipped his tongue straight into your mouth. He explored every corner of your cavern with his tongue and his hands were making their way to your waist. Now that your arms were released, you wrapped them around his neck to keep him close.

After what felt like years of bliss, you separated with a pop, a string of saliva stretching between both of your lips. He licked his, slowly and sensually, with a pleased grin on his face.
Don't even start doing that. I won't be able to keep dismissing you if you're so hot all the time...

He pulled you out of your thoughts when he caressed  your cheek and brought back his soft side that you had been missing since your encounter with him the other morning.
"Now, princess, we have a meeting to get to." He smiled. You were under his spell again. You just gave a small, tender smile in return and allowed him to take your hand as you continued making your way to the meeting room.


By the way, I know they definitely would have kissed before when they did StUfF😏 but Y/N was drunk so in this I wrote her to be surprised as if it was their first kiss since she can't remember the other night.

I'm sorry you had to wait longer for this chapter, I've been busier these past few days but I think you'll survive as long as I try to never make you wait longer than a week👍 I feel like it will get boring and lose any sense of excitement for next chapters if I make you wait too long :(

Thank you for 7k reads and over 300 votes! Keep voting if you're enjoying and I hope you all had a good New Year!

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