Chapter 11

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You woke the next day to find yourself alone in the bed per usual. You weren't surprised that Niragi had left though when you saw a clock and realised that it was approaching afternoon.

After some deliberating, you got dressed (you choose what you're wearing) and headed down to the lobby. The majority of members were partying by the pool, unsurprisingly, and, after some asking around, you found out that most of the other militants had left to get more ammo.

In all honesty, you missed the freedom that you felt before you arrived at The Beach. You could explore the city in its emptiness and you didn't have to shy away from anyone. According to the rules, you were not allowed to leave but you didn't know if that meant you couldn't even go out into Tokyo, as long as you returned.

Your were rarely curious but, for once, it overtook you and soon enough, you found yourself by the gates. Looking around, you seemed to be out of sight and you doubted anyone would notice if someone as reserved as yourself would disappear for a few hours.
So you did it.
You left.

You managed to get over the wall, being strangely good at climbing, and off you went. The quiet was chilling after being surrounded by chaotic loud music and clubbing at The Beach for a while but you enjoyed the peace while you had it.
You didn't want to stray far from the resort, not wanting to make the journey back a long one, so you started off by just making your way to the nearby bridge that crossed the channel in front of The Beach.

The refreshing breeze cooled your cheeks as you sat, legs swinging from the railings. You loved the emptiness, the calm, the silence. The relaxed feeling you were experiencing made you seriously consider walking to the other end of that bridge and never turning back. There was only one thing stopping you.


You hated to admit it, but each passing day you were craving him more and more. It was unbearable to keep up your act and in the past few days it had really been crumbling, no matter how determined you were to stop giving in to him. Three times. Three times you had let him get too close, willingly. Your head and your heart were in a constant battle over what to do, making you feel extreme frustration. Your head told you that he was evil, sociopathic and that you needed to stay far away from him, however your heart was letting you be drawn in, letting him and his overly sexy tongue piercing have you as he wanted and you were constantly wanting more.

Drowned in these thoughts, you hadn't noticed yourself walking towards the rest of the city, in fact thinking aloud, until you went face first into a hard male chest. Slowly, you looked up, and the anxiety of being caught rushed in. You weren't one to get scared easily but you figured that if you really weren't allowed out, then you were dead. A gun straight to your head after being dragged back to face Hatter. If you were going to die anytime soon, you at least wanted something more interesting than the classic bullet through your skull.

You were snapped out of your thoughts by the familiar voice that spoke up.
"Who and his overly sexy tongue piercing?"

Oh shit. Why lord, of all people?

You slowly raised your head. And as you figured, that signature smirk was inches away from your face, dark eyes meeting yours.
"I- Uh I- I err- No one- I mean- Shit."
Your unexpected stuttering gave you away so you gave up even attempting to speak to him, lowering your head back down in embarrassment. You weren't one to stutter or get flustered like this, it felt weird. He snorted at your reaction and took a moment to watch you in that state before speaking again.

"You better hurry up and come with me princess. The others aren't far behind and we don't want anyone knowing about your little trip now, do we?"
In the midst of your awkwardness, you had forgotten again that you were breaking the rules. Before you had much time to think, he had grabbed your hand and was running across the bridge, towards The Beach. It was honestly quite thrilling... The adrenaline at the thought of possible death, the fresh air hitting your face, your hand in Niragi's.

As you approached the front gate, Niragi let you in subtly and brought you into the lobby where there were more people, to avoid any suspicion if someone were to see the two of you alone together out of context. Even though you were fairly fit, you were panting from the run as he pulled you into the building, earning odd looks from some members nearby. To cover it up, Niragi aggressively dragged you up the stairs, as he would do on his way to torture someone.
"No wonder she's out of breath. I wouldn't be able to function right either if I knew what I was about to get from him." You heard one of the many bikini-clad girls murmur to her friend beside her.

Niragi quickly got you into his room and shut the door. He looked halfway between a smirk and a face of anger.
"I can't bring myself to go off at you right now but I still want to know what the fuck you were thinking?" He was stood inches in front of you at this point, looking down at you. He grabbed your chin with his index finger and thumb to lift it and look into your eyes.
"I needed to get out for a bit. That's all. And yes, I was aware of the consequences if I were caught." You deadpanned, answering his circling questions simply. He let the vague reply slide and moved on.
"Now, what I really want to talk about." He grinned at you evilly, eyes flooded with lust.
"Whose sexy tongue piercing did you want to feel more of?"


Omg I'm sorry it's been too long since I got a chapter out for you all😭 Ima try write frequently again, it's just been hard to do on top of studying. I hope this is okay, I'm not really with it at the moment so I'm not sure if my writing might seem different or worse 🥲

I've been trying to reply to some of your comments but even if I don't, thank you for the lovely messages! I wish there was a like feature so you could know I'm acknowledging your support :)

Thank you all so much for 20k reads and 900 votes btw! I didn't think my story would get noticed this much-

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