🏮| P2: Horoscope & Zodiac |🏮

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By _LibraChild_

Hello, all! I wish you all a happy new year. As 2020 is ending, I bring to you your promised monthly horoscope.
Source: https://www.chatelaine.com/living/horoscopes/astrology-january-2021/

Aries ♈️ (March 21 - April 19)
The question of community and allyship will be resounding and prominent for the next little while. Who are your people? Who understands and sees you? You know the limits of the material world this month. Hopefully the new moon will bring you clarity on the walls you build around yourself that prevent you from feeling like you belong.

Taurus ♉️ (April 20 - May 20)
The stakes to perform, achieve and make things happen are high. At the same time, you're simply exhausted. The challenge this month is to resist equating your worth to your level of productivity. Some things take time. Be more deliberate about your slowness and embrace how you need to pace yourself as necessary for your health.

Gemini ♊️ (May 21 - June 21)
Take time to quiet down and contemplate your past, how it still affects you in the present and why you need to build new stories to tell yourself. January is all about moving beyond your painful memories. For now, take comfort in the stillness and let go of any pressure to have everything together. It's okay to feel uncertain.

Cancer ♋️ (June 22 - July 22)
They say friendship breakups can often hurt more than separations from romantic connections. It's an uprooting from family-like bonds. This month, take the time and space to grieve any friendships and social relationships you've lost. Maybe it was an awful demise. Perhaps it was an organic falling out, where life continued and the distance naturally grew wider.

Leo ♌️ (July 23 - August 22)
Aging in your relationships is set to take place over the next couple of years. This can mean that maturity can take different shapes. Sometimes it is taking commitments to the next level. Other times, they're breakups and endings. Either way, you're set up to seriously reconsider who you want to become and where you want your life to head.

Virgo ♍️ (August 23 - September 22)
Body-oriented psychotherapy believes in the premise of integrating past trauma and its connection to embodiment. January starts you off on this journey of discovering how your mortal vessel carries a lot of your mental, emotional and psychological burdens. This process may contradict some of your beliefs. However, try something different this month. Especially if your usual regimens are no longer working.

Libra ♎️ (September 23 - October 22)
Take this month to enjoy a well-deserved creative activity that allows you to nerd out. Even better if it requires a certain level of discipline that you can't decide if you like or need. Since there is much behind-the-scenes work awaiting you regarding your mental health, don't downplay the relationship losses you experienced in the past months.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Relationships of all kinds will be the hot topic for you this month.
You get to take apart and scrutinize how you were raised and groomed as a child and deeply understand how it informs your adult behaviours. What do you want to change? Your dynamics with other people will put you to the test of how you show up in conflict.

Sagittarius ♐️ (November 22 - December 21)
How you live your days is how you live your life. Take this to heart. If you're feeling a deep-seated dissatisfaction with where your bigger life is headed, perhaps pay attention to the details instead. Your daily motions and regimens are up for a makeover and structured discipline is the name of the game. You may be pleasantly surprised at how much you like it.

Capricorn ♑️ (December 22 - January 19)
January might start in a frustrating way. Having fun or finding motivation might be challenging for you. Financial obstacles are likely the culprit, but so is the state of the world overall. The new moon lands on your sign, allowing you to reinvent a part of yourself and your identity.

Aquarius ♒️ (January 20 - February 18)
Big things are shifting, specifically in terms of how you experience yourself growing. You may encounter hurdles and bumps on your road towards evolution, mostly from your family but possibly also from your past. It's an excellent time to reflect and contemplate who you used to be, how you were groomed as a child and who you want to become.

Pisces ♓️ (February 19 - March 20)
This month is about getting comfortable with the discomfort that may be bubbling to the surface from the deep recesses of your mind. You may find it challenging to find the right words to express yourself. Take this moment as an opportunity to step back and reflect.

 Take this moment as an opportunity to step back and reflect

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By IcecreamLoverxo

This is just for fun, nothing much serious. Zodiacs are based on general collection of habits, and it may or may not be true. I'm sorry if I have hurt anybody with this.

Aries: Get more sleep
Taurus: Organize your space
Gemini: Spend less time on social media
Cancer: be more social
Leo: Save more money
Virgo: Practice clean eating
Libra: Forgive
Scorpio: Keep a journal/ Diary
Sagittarius: Travel
Aquarius: Volunteer more
Pisces: Spend more time with loved ones.

Aries: Getting a ruthless dance battle going
Taurus: Falling asleep before midnight
Gemini: Telling the best stories about past year
Cancer: Getting super deep all of a sudden
Leo: Posing at the centre of every photo
Virgo: Taking care of everyone
Libra: Giving everyone kisses (eek what?)
Scorpio: Getting to close the someone on the dance floor
Sagittarius: Shouting the countdown
Capricorn: Making sure everyone honours traditions
Aquarius: Playing drinking games
Pisces: Throwing confetti

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