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By GS_Stella27

Time. Indeed, a mysterious entity that leaves everyone baffled.
So, how did this time come into existence?
When was the moment, the first moment actually tick by? 

Several hypotheses have been put forth in the past century as an attempt to solve this mystery, and one of the most accepted theories is the 'Big Bang theory'. The theory was propounded for the first time in 1927 by a Belgian astronomer, mathematician, and physicist, Georges Lemaître. The theory describes how the universe expanded from the initial state of singularity and how it is still in the process of expanding. This is the moment where the astronomers and mathematicians believe time actually started, which roughly makes it around 13.8 billion years ago.

However, ever wondered what existed before the Big Bang?What exactly is this singularity everyone is talking about?What existed even before time came into existence?

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However, ever wondered what existed before the Big Bang?
What exactly is this singularity everyone is talking about?
What existed even before time came into existence?

Singularity, or the Planck's Epoch, is considered as the point from which the universe started. It is believed that this singularity was a point of infinite gravity, extremely high density, and high temperature where even the laws of physics ceased to exist, and before it space and time had no existence. As this point exploded, the universe came into existence.

Several theories have been proposed in an attempt to explain what happened before the Big Bang.

~ As per the theory of  'Big Bounce' given by Robert Dicke and James Peebles, the singularity that gave birth to our universe was formed as an earlier universe collapsed. In other words, the universe is infinite and is continuously going under a cycle of contraction and expansion.

~ Another theory states that our universe was a small, flat, and high pressure state in a metastable condition, and continued to stay so unless and until it found a state comparatively more stable. So, we can also say that our universe was in hibernation until something set it in motion.

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