🏮| P6: Vigor Centre 📰 Rationale 📰 Sport It Up |🏮

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By LianaCatelyn

New year starts with resolutions. Heath and fitness is the best option to make one. But even well planned resolutions hit rock bottoms by February.

So let us set some rules to follow the resolution till the year end.

So let us set some rules to follow the resolution till the year end

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Set Firm Goals: Make your goals Specific and Time framed.

Set Deadlines: Deadlines will give you the urgency and determination to complete the workouts.

Do it Whenever You Can: If time break didn't fit well for your exercise, fit exercise in your break time.

Be Aware of Your Capacity: Make note of what workouts you can do and what you cannot.

Never Strain: Implement a Hard-Easy rule. Intense workouts one day followed by an easy one the next day,

Keep a Workout Journal: Try to write down about the sessions from the first day to self motivate about our own improvements. It keeps track of your achievements.

Gym Visits are Helpful: If you become a member in the first week of the month, make sure that you won't drop out by the third week of next month.

Take More Fluid: Increasing water levels can improve the energy levels.

Eat more Fruits and Vegetables: Even the micronutrients should not be spared to gain the ideal Health.

Don't Break your Bones: Don't indulge in severe long stretched physical activities making your body ache and end up doing nothing for days.

Always Stay Motivated: Add a new activity in your daily schedule, making the workout time more fun.

Reward yourself: Stop for a moment to appreciate yourself for every achievement you make.

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