Chapter 11

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Paula walked down the darkened alley, her heart beating wildly against her ribcage. She shouldn't have waited for Rafael! Now it was too dark and dangerous! She scolded herself as she quickened her pace, silently praying that she reach her little apartment in one piece. Her neighbourhood was known for it's various thefts, killings and rape.

A shudder ran through her when she recalled a terrible incident that had occurred last week. A high school girl was found raped and murdered in one of the alleys.

Paula always made sure she was safely tucked in her tiny apartment before eight o'clock. But today, she had broken that rule and was deeply regretting it. She stifled a loud scream when something raced past her feet. The small black cat meowed as it climbed the electric pole on the other side of the road. Paula breathed out a sigh of relief and continued walking.

She heard a group of boys laughing and whistling some distance away and she quickened her pace frightened. She watched in relief as her tiny apartment loomed ahead of her.

She drew in a deep breath as her sweaty palms turned the door knob. To her horror, the door creaked open.

Her mother had left the door unlocked yet again!

"Mother!," Paula called out , the instant she locked the door behind her.

She was angry at her mother because of her careless ways. They have been having that conversation for months. She stopped and covered her nose in disgust. The house smelled of cigarettes, sweat and alcohol. Her heart almost stopped when she heard loud cries of a child.

She hurried down the corridor to their living room. Her heart sank when she saw her crying standing on the carpet. Small hands were immediately thrown around her legs.

Paula looked down at the tear stained face of her five year old daughter. Her heart swelled in pain and love. She dropped her handbag on the white carpet and crouched down to hug her sweet smelling, warm little body. After some time she released her and wiped away her tears.

"Oh! Sweet pea. Tell mommy what's wrong?," she asked her, lightly stroking her long black hair.

Tears brimmed in Nina's eyes. She had dark big eyes just like her father. She was the secret Paula dreaded Rafael finding out. Rafael already hated her and if he found about about Nina's existence, she knew that he was going to take her away, just to punish her. Paula hugged Nina again, blinking back tears.

"I won't allow anyone to steal you away from me," she thought to herself.

"Grandma shouted at me," Nina murmured between sobs.

Paula let go of her and for the first time since coming into the house, she glanced at her mother. She felt anger washing down through her. No wonder the house smelled like a bar. Sofia laid sprawled on one of the couch, a cigarette in her mouth and a bottle of vodka in another hand.

She turned to Nina, faking a smile but deep inside her, a storm was brewing.

"Sweet pea, why don't you go to your room to sleep. l will join you later. I have something to discuss with your grandma," she said as she dropped a light kiss on her forehead.

Once Nina was out of sight, Paula turned to her mother fuming in rage.

"For Goodness's sake! What's wrong with you, mother?," she yelled in frustration.

Sofia rolled her eyes heavenward before flicking her cigarette on the ashtray. She sucked again and blew out a ring of smoke. Paula waved away the horrible smell from her face.

"Oh Please! Enough with the lecture already."

Paula clenched her hands into tight fists and closed her eyes, fighting for control.

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