Chapter 16

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Six years ago (Flashback)

Paula knocked and a messy Rafael opened the door. He was covered in flour from head to toe.

"Hie," she murmured feeling a bit awkward.

Seeing him again after her emotional outburst the other night was embarrassing for her. She had always hated to show people her weak side except for Hazel.

"Hie. Are you here for Hazel?," he asked not meeting her gaze.

Paula gave a small nod nervously wringing her hands. Darn it! What is wrong with her? She hated this!

"She went out for groceries."

They lapsed into a brief, awkward silence.

"Tell her that l drop by," Paula muttered and was about to walk away when Rafael's voice stopped her in her tracks.

"About the other night, l am sorry. I didn't mean to judge you," he called after her.

She turned back and cast him a small smile.

"It's okay. We are all entitled to our own opinions."


"Drop it, Rafael! I don't want to be reminded of how foolish l acted in front of you. I am already embarrassed enough without you mentioning it," she blurted out suddenly feeling irritated.

She hated to be reminded of her most embarrassing moments. Instead of reacting to her outburst, Rafael simply smiled at her.

"I didn't find it embarrassing. You were cute instead."

"What?," she asked in surprise.

"Your crying! Someone like you rarely shows anyone their emotions. Ever since l came, l have only seen you express anger and l was a little taken back to see you that vulnerable," he explained.

Her lips curved into a smile.

"Do you know that you are very judging?"

"So l have been told."

Paula released a small laugh.

"Hazel will be back in a moment. Do you want to wait for her inside?"

She hesitated for a moment but then a cold gusty wind blew by, signalling the onset of rain. She hurried inside the warm little cottage and was greeted by a delicious smell.

"That smells delicious. What's that?"

"Omu rice."

"Omu rice?"

He flashed her a small smile.

"It's a Korean dish."

Paula's mouth gaped open in surprise.

"Where did you learn that?," she asked him in awe.

"Nina. She was my neighbor back home. She is half Korean and one hell of good cook. She knows almost all Asian dishes."

"Wow!," she exclaimed following him into the small kitchen.

"Can you teach me that recipe?"

Rafael stopped and turned back to her with a smirk on his face.

"You? Learning how to cook?," he chuckled.

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