Chapter 13

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Paula groaned in her sleep in frustration and reached blindly for her cell phone ringing incessantly on the bedside table. A frown appeared between her brows.

New number!

She wondered who it could be that was calling her at midnight with a new number.

"Paula Solano speaking," she answered in a groggy voice.

A deep laugh rumbled from the other end of the line and her eyes widened in shock and fear .She immediately sat up straight, leaning against the headboard, her heart beating wildly in her chest .She recognised that voice very well.

"Long time cutie pie," a masculine voice rang through.

She clutched her cell phone tightly , swallowing the bile that filled the back of her throat.

"What do ...want?," she asked in a wavering voice.

The man on the other end clicked his tongue in disappointment.

"I am hurt, Paulito. It's been a real long time and is that all you have to say to me."

Paula hated it when he called her that . She could imagine the smug look on his scarred face. She flinched when she heard the loud crashing on the other end. The psycho must have broke something in rage. She could hear his harsh breathing through the line.

"You seem to have forgotten you owe someone real good cash, didn't ya? Should l send my little boys tomorrow to refresh your mind a little bit," he said in a menacing voice.

Paula shivered at his threat.

"It's my brother who owes you money, not me."

The caller laughed again.

"It makes no difference to me, little bird. Get my money ready in two weeks or else l will come for that little girl of yours and sell her."

The line went dead leaving Paula shivering in fear. She glanced at her daughter sleeping peacefully besides her and great panic seized her. She spent the remainder of the night thinking of how to pay back the money but by dusk, she had came up with nothing. None of her current friends could afford to lend her such a huge amount of money but there was someone who could help her and the thought of confronting him send a cold shiver down her spine.


She had to tell Rafael about his child than risk that lunatic snatching her little angel away!


"You look like you have seen a ghost," Rafael mumbled with his mouth stuffed full of bacon.

"I am only surprised to see you here," Paula replied, recovering from her shock of finding Rafael not at work the next morning.

He was eating breakfast, looking casual in his black sweatpants and white T-shirt. His black hair was moist and ruffled, an indication that he had showered before coming down for breakfast.

Seeing his face, reminded Paula the resolution she had reached last night. Rafael had to learn of Nina's existence before that loan shark….

"You lashed out at me last night for neglecting Hazel. I have taken three days off work," Rafael said, jerking her out of her trance.

"That's great. Umm l need to talk to you about something if you.."

Mrs Bradshaw entered the room, interrupting whatever Paula had to say. She held out a telephone to Rafael.

"It's Miss Sienna . She says it's urgent."

Rafael's hand stilled from buttering his toast.

"Tell her to go to the devil!," he hissed , earning a look of disapproval from the elderly housemaid.

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