Chapter 12

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Six years ago(Flashback)

Not again!

Paula pulled the blanket over her head but the yelling downstairs only seemed to grow worse. She loved her parents but she hated having them around. She wished their business trip had lasted for months. She felt guilty feeling that way but she couldn't help herself. The moment her parents came back, all hell had broken loose. Peace seemed like luxury again.

Her cell phone vibrated on the night stand. Mia's name flashed on the screen. Paula groaned sleepily and reached for her cell phone.

"I would love that," she replied when Mia suggested to take her out to lift her spirits.

"Don't you dare dress like a nun!," Mia warned her before the line went dead.

Paula laughed at her words as she hurried into the en suite bathroom. Twenty minutes later, a rope made of bed sheets was lowering her through the window to the ground. She breathed out a sigh of relief when her feet touched the soft ground.

She quickly hid behind a Bougainville as she surveyed her surroundings. She again breathed out a sigh of relief when she saw that no one was looming around. She couldn't risk her father finding out she had slipped out of the house late at night to attend yet another party. Her parents would surely send her up to her room with no dinner and a spanking.

Paula got up smirking in satisfaction but her smile immediately froze. Rafael was standing on the pavement watching her in curiosity. She wondered what he was doing outside late at night. She threw him one last glare and hurried away. A cab hired by Mia was already waiting for her outside the gates. She slipped inside and the car drove away.

Minutes later, she was sitting in a club under the changing disco lights, sipping her fruit juice and wishing she never agreed to join Mia in her rebellious adventures. Clubs were never her cup of tea. The tiny place was unbearably hot, vibrating with loud music and smelling of alcohol and sweat.

To make matters worse, there was a blonde guy standing on the other side staring at her in a creepy way. When their eyes clashed, he flashed her a creepy grin and she quickly tore away her gaze from him, feeling uncomfortable under his piercing gaze.

Mia and Riya dropped down besides her laughing. They have been dancing with some random guys and she was scared for them. But she was relieved that they were not drinking.

"We came out to help relieve your stress!," Mia accused her.

"I know but l am not up for it."

Mia rolled her eyes heavenward. Paula watched in horror as the creepy guy from earlier made his way towards them.

"My my! Now who is that?," Mia exclaimed in excitement.

“Oh my ovaries!,” Riya chuckled beside her and Paula rolled her eyes heavenward.

Her dear friends were complete suckers for good looking faces.

"Hie ladies," he greeted them as he took a seat opposite them.

Mia stuck out her manicured hand, her flirty smile on.

"Hie handsome," she drawled as she took his hand and holding it longer than necessary.

The blonde guy then turned to Paula.

"Care for a dance?," he asked smiling, revealing very white teeth that could be used for a toothpaste commercial.

"I am sorry but we were about to leave,"she lied to him.

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