Chapter 19

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Paula closed her eyes and smiled, feeling herself relaxing for the first time in years and not worrying about where she will get the money to pay for her bills.

She felt good and at ease. Maybe it was the effect of the champagne or the fact that she was wrapped tightly in masculine arms that reminded her of Rafael.

Her eyes flew open terrified by the direction of her thoughts. Her hand flew to her forehead as she felt her head begin to throb.

"Are you okay?," Leandro asked in concern.

"The two glasses of champagne l had I guess.”

Some young man clad in an expensive designer suit waved at Leandro from across the room. He looked back at Paula with an apologetic smile.

"I will be fine,” she told him.

“Okay, I will be back in a moment,” he said casting her a small smile before walking away.

Paula saw double doors leading to a small garden and she walked towards them. She needed some fresh air to clear her head ache. For a moment she stood in the middle of the garden and her mind was transported to six years ago when Rafael and her had spent a magical moment in Riya’s family garden.

She sat on a small bench and removed her high heels. Her feet were aching badly. She wiggled her bare toes against the soft grass, removing some of the tension. She then remembered that she had planned on calling Octavia when that arrogant man, Rodriguez interrupted her. She took out her cellphone and dialed. Octavia picked up on the third ring.

"Having fun?," her excited voice came through.

"A lot! Can you keep Nina for the night. I will be late."

"Something fishy," Octavia chuckled.

Paula rolled her eyes and laughed.

"It's not what you are thinking," she jumped to her defense.

"You deserve some fun, Paula. Be sure to get it. Nina and l will be just fine. We are playing pirates."

As if on cue, Paula heard her daughter's delightful screams in the background and her heart warmed with love.

"Have fun,” Octavia said in a singsong voice and the line went dead, leaving Paula wishing she was there to share their fun.

"Did dancing with Leandro have this effect on you?" a voice echoed behind her in the silent night and her whole body stiffened.

She slowly turned to face Rafael with her heart pounding in fear. Relief flooded her when she saw his calm face. It was obvious that he had not heard a word of her phone call. It would be cruel for him to find out that way. Her relief then turned into anger. He had always enjoyed sneaking up on her.

"What?," she snapped back.

"Did he have this strong effect on you that you had to rush out to cool your flaming cheeks, Paula," he asked, his entire expression rigid with tension.

She let out a small gasp at his words.

"Are you jealous, Rafael?," she asked him in a challenging voice, an amused smirk forming on her lips.

He stared at her for a moment then laughed out.

"You think l am jealousy?, " he asked in disbelief then laughed again.

Her face reddened in embarrassment. She looked down at her feet feeling hurt by his words. She had assumed that Rafael still had some lingering old feelings for her and that he would be jealousy and angry after seeing her dancing with Leandro, the man he had once considered his love rival.

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