Chapter 35

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Paula stood infront of the mirror admiring her new appearance. Over the weekend, Hazel had forcibly took her to a salon and had her hair done and then toook her to a spa for her manicure and pedicure.

She had then bought some new formal clothes under Hazel's persistent. Hazel said she wanted her to look gorgeous for her new job.

Paula smiled at her refection staring back at her. She felt beautiful again. She had cut her long dark hair to a Bob style. Her lips were coated in her favourite lipstick colour,red, making them look sinfully seductive.

For years,she had neglected herself, making her daughter her only priority. Though she hated to admit it, Rafael had lifted some of the burden off her shoulders.

She could sleep well again, not having to worry about a pile of bills. A knock sounded on the door and she responded with a "come in."

Rafael opened the door and strode in. He was already dressed for work, in a sleek black suit that screamed millions.

The morning sunshine from the opened drapes fell on his figure,making his hair look even more dark and his face even more handsome.

A shiver swept through her body and she swallowed. She had been celibate for five years. No wonder her body was always aroused around him.

Because it's Rafael!

Her mind whispered to her. She had tried having relationships after Rafael but they never worked out. She never wanted anything permanent but just wanted to "blow of some steam" as her mother used to call it.

But she never accomplished her mission because men ended up deserting her saying she was a prude and frigid. She always flinched every time they touched her.

But with Rafael it was different. Even his deep voice managed to make molten liquid pool in her core.

Paula shifted on her feet feeling uncomfortable by her body's reaction. Rafael was staring at her,his mouth gaped open in awe.

She consciously touched her new haircut, hoping he liked her new look.

He closed his mouth and cleared his throat.

"I like your new haircut. It looks good on you," he casually said.

"Thank you," she replied,grinning like some kid on a Christmas morning.

He glanced at the floor,tapping one foot. Paula could tell he was hesitant about something.

"I came to apologize about yesterday morning," he started with difficulty, as he brought back his eyes to her.

She silently waited for him to continue.

"I felt jealousy looking at your photos with Nina. It was wrong of me to take out my frustration on you."

"I will accept your apology but l won't appreciate you raising your voice at me again," she told him in a solemn voice.

"I will take note of that. So umm are we good again?"

"We are good."

A weird silence fell upon them for a moment.

"Do you want me to drop you off at work?," he broke the silence.

She glanced back at him and he slightly shrugged his shoulders.

"I am going the same way," he clarified when he noticed her questioning glance.

Paula nodded her head. He was about to walk out but he stopped and strode back to her,stopping even closer this time that she could smell his masculine scent.

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