Chapter 5

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Paula slowly turned the door knob with trembling hands. She walked into the dimly lit room. The drapes and windows were closed giving the room a dreary look. It reminded Paula of those jail cells where her brother was once imprisoned for illegal gambling.

On the edge of the queen sized bed was seated a frail woman. Her back was turned to her and she was facing the wall with a distant look on her face. Paula nervously drew closer to her and a gasp hitched in her throat as she recognised the woman.


Her brown eyes were shrunken and empty. Her black hair had grown out and was badly in need of some trimming. She looked so thin and frail that for a moment , Paula had failed to recognise her. Hot tears rushed into Paula's eyes.

What had happened to her dear Hazel?

She turned aside wiping away the tears spilling on her face in torrents. She clamped a hand over her mouth to muffle the sobs that threatened to erupt. After she composed herself, Paula turned back to face Hazel. Hazel had not even noticed that she was no longer alone in the room.

She seemed oblivious to everything happening around her. It was like she had withdrawn into her own secret place .

Paula forced a smile on her face before approaching her.  She kneeled besides her on the rug placed at the foot of the bed and laid her palm on her cheek softly.

Hazel didn't acknowledge her presence. She remained frozen like a statue not even glancing at Paula. Paula blinked back tears as pain ripped through her.

"Hazel," she softly whispered as she stroked her cheek gently.

Hazel turned her eyes to Paula. She looked searchingly into her eyes as if wondering who she was. She couldn't recognise her!

Paula swallowed the lump that was forming in her throat. The eyes that had once looked at her with warmth and love was now looking at her as if she was a stranger.

As if she was seeing her for the very first time!

“Maybe it's the light!,” Paula assured herself as she crossed the room to open the drapes.

The room was too dark for her. The moment , she pulled apart the curtains, Hazel stifled a loud deafening scream that splintered the peaceful atmosphere.

Paula's heart began to race in fear and panic. She was so shocked that she couldn't move a feet. She remained frozen by the window as she stared at Hazel. Hazel continued screaming hysterically with her hands over her ears.

"No! No! Edwardo! ," she screamed repeatedly.

Rafael burst into the room with a panicked look on his face. He quickly took his Aunt's shivering body into his arms. He rocked her sobbing body , patting her black hair murmuring words of comfort. Hazel clutched him tightly as she sobbed into his shoulder. Her small body rocked with each sob.

"Edwardo! He is dead , Rafael. He is dead!," Hazel said in between sobs.

Rafael hugged her tighter. He raised his eyes to Paula.

"Close the curtains , Paula!," he told her.

His sharp voice jolted her out of her trance. Paula hastily closed the curtains, plugging the room into the earlier darkness.

A nurse hurried into the room. She injected Hazel . Hazel closed her eyes as her body went limp in Rafael's arms. He laid his unconscious Aunt on the wide bed and pulled the covers over her.

He stood staring at her sleeping form for a long time with a pained look etched on his face. He bend down and dropped a kiss on her forehead. He strode to where Paula stood frozen and taking her hand, he dragged her out of the room. He released her hand when they reached the garden.

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