Chapter 14

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                         Dedicated @AdelaideKnight 

Six years ago (Flashback)

Both of them turned at the sound of the approaching voice and saw Andres, who stood with his arms crossed over his chest scowling at them. His dark eyebrows were snapped together as he glowered at Rafael.

"What were you trying to do with your hands all over her?,” he growled at Rafael.

Dear lord, such exaggeration! Paula rolled her eyes heavenward in hopelessness. She glanced at Rafael to see his reaction and she almost chuckled to herself. She never imagined that an egoistical brat like him could be so submissive in front of her brother. His dark eyes were lowered to the ground.

"Sir Solano, Miss Paula was about to.."

"Get rid of whatever fancy idea you are cooking up there! Seducing my sister won't get you any fortune but only your miserable death," Andres spat out, dismissing whatever Rafael was about to say.

Paula noticed a look of fury cross Rafael's features for a moment. His hands were clenched into tight fists at his sides. She then felt the need to speak up before the entire matter blows up into flying punches.

"He did nothing wrong. I slipped on the soapy ground and he caught me ," she explained.

Andres stared hard at Paula, and when she didn't blink her eyes, he knew that she was telling the truth. His sister never knew how to lie. She has always got him in trouble whenever he asks her to cover up for him.

"Stay away from her!," Andres warned him before grabbing his sister's hand and dragged her away from the scene.

He released her hand when they reached her room and by that time, Paula was fuming in rage. She hate to be treated like a kindergarten kid.

"Why did you go there?"

She glared at his towering figure as she rubbed her sore arm .

"Why do you care?," she spat out in a bitter voice.

"Paula! ," he said in a warning voice.

Andres was very much like their father. He hated to be crossed. Paula breathed out a frustrated sigh.

"Stop glowering at me! I only went there to check on Hazel."

"You better be telling the truth! "

"Whatever," she replied rolling her eyes.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me? If you were not my sister, l would have plucked out those big eyes."

"You wish!," Paula chuckled back.

Andres smiled back at her and ruffled her dark hair a bit.

"How stupid can you get to be caught by Miss Becky again."

"What! You mean that old witch was the one who snitched to dad again," she replied in a shocked voice.

"She was driving past when she saw you getting into a taxi wearing a skimpy little dress."

Paula remembered accusing Rafael minutes ago and she felt guilty swirling inside her.

“Paula, I swear if you slipped out to meet and kiss some weird boys at the club, I will personally make sure that you never slip out again.”

“Relax, Andres. I only went there dancing with Mia and Riya. We didn’t do anything bad.”

"Dress up. We are going out."

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