Brothers and Little Sister!Reader

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Inspired by ruruka_'s prompt.

Osomatsu groaned as he sat up in the shared futon, letting his eyes stay closed for a few more moments before opening them to the reality of being surrounded by five others that shared his face. A different noise downstairs drew his attention, his ears picking up the light laughter of a child.

The laughter stirred the other sleepy brothers, all of them racing to get dressed and rush downstairs.

She wasn't supposed to be coming over until later! Choromatsu thought with gritted teeth, hurriedly buttoning his white shirt before slipping his trademark green hooded sweatshirt over his head.

You know how late we can sleep! Osomatsu quickly countered as he ruffled his hair to look presentable enough, ducking through the bedroom door first and practically flying down the stairs. Vocal protests sounded behind him as a wide smirk rested on his lips, opening the living room sliding door to see two adults older than him sitting across from each other at the table with a small child sitting on one of their laps, a white sheet of paper spread out in front of the child with a scattering of crayons across the tabletop.

"There they are," Mrs. Matsuno called out, her tone friendly but the look warning Osomatsu to not oversleep next time, "The men of the hour."

"What about us now?" Osomatsu raised an eyebrow as he sat heavily next to the other woman holding the child, the little girl crying out in joy as she tried to climb into his lap.

"I'm sorry to ask this on such short notice, but I need to leave town for the remainder of the day," The woman's voice was soft-spoken, "Osomatsu, I know that (y/n) is safe in your and your brothers' hands, so would you be willing to take care of her until my husband picks her up tonight?"

Osomatsu watched as (y/n) settled into his lap, dragging her drawing over and continuing it, "That shouldn't be a problem. Is her bag here?"

"Yes," (Y/n)'s mother nodded, "It's by the front door."

"Anything else we can do for you, Mrs. (L/n)?"

"No, that's all. I'm sorry to keep calling on your family when emergencies come up," She stood up after giving a light kiss on (y/n)'s forehead, the young grade-schooler not even paying attention to her.

"That's what good friends are for," Mrs. Matsuno stood at the same time, "I'm happy that my little NEETs can finally put themselves to use."

Osomatsu watched the two women leave the room, leaning back and propping himself up on his hands, his smile partially fading as his five younger brothers walked into the room.

"Heard everything?"

"Babysitting for the day," Karamatsu confirmed as he closed the door, the last one to enter the room. They all sat around the table, a small silence covering the room until Todomatsu spoke up.

"Do we know when her dad's coming by?"

"Probably when Dad comes home since they work in neighboring buildings," Osomatsu groaned a little, unsure of where the youngest brother was taking the conversation.

"Well, since we have about eight hours before (y/n) needs to leave, let's make it interesting with a little game of our own."

The atmosphere darkened between the brothers.

"A competition?" Jyushimatsu laughed a little, his smile widening.

"I'll kick all of your asses," Ichimatsu commented darkly, his focus switching between the brothers.

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