Magic!Karamatsu x Reader

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Inspired by art from GUWEIZ (


He swerved mid-air, pulling the customized broom harshly to the right as a blast of acid arched through the air where he used to be. It was the right call to leave his dragon companion behind on this mission, but he couldn't have predicted that it'd go this awry. Glancing behind him, his jaw clenched tighter as he pulled the broom up, just barely dodging the large maw closing in on the feathers of his broom.

The creature chasing him was a nuisance that he had been contracted to get rid of, successfully drawing it away from the village it plagued, but now he was running for his life when it broke through the trap that was supposed to keep it held down.

His partner had asked for time and that's exactly what he was giving her.

"Karamatsu, NOW!"

The man swiftly turned around to catch a glowing yellow orb, quickly changing the underhand catch into an overhand throw to toss the orb towards the monstrous creature. Just before the orb hit the monster's skin, it shattered and spread a thick wide yellow barrier, completely catching the creature and dragging it to the ground as it lost all momentum from flying.

A black figure that had been chasing after him darted after the caught creature, a hand holding their wide brimmed hat against their head as feathers trailed after them. Karamatsu made the broom go into a dive, following both the figure and creature.

The captured creature crashed into the forest below, the black figure following closely behind as the trees snapped and fell over from the collision.

"(Y/n), wait!" Karamatsu called out, trying to follow them without hitting any of the downed trees. He pulled up just before he hit the ground, urging the broom forward to where the creature had landed. The figure was already kneeling in front of the massive yellow web-like net, both of its arms held towards the creature with their hands splayed wide. A glowing colored magic circle enlarged with partially spinning, stopping the movement when it got to a large enough size.

Narrowing his eyes in both frustration and focus, Karamatsu threw up his own magic circle in front of hers, the blue color complimenting her own and growing to an even larger size, intending to magnify whatever spell (y/n) was casting.

Not even a few seconds later, several rays of colored energy poured from her circle into his own, growing in size and number before hitting the creature and swallowing it in a cocoon of light. The cocoon began to shrink, the color starting to splinter as black bursts of energy lanced outwards from within the cocoon, causing Karamatsu and (y/n) to take a few steps back in caution. Karamatsu let her focus on maintaining the spell while he looked more closely at the black energy, his eyes widening before reaching out to try and pull her away from the cocoon.

"Watch ou--"

His words died on his lips as a burst of black energy pierced through (y/n)'s form, sending her backwards onto the ground with a shocked cry.


"Finish it!" She yelled as her hands flew to where she had been hit, small magic circles forming between them and her body.

Karamatsu quickly raised his left hand towards the breaking cocoon, casting the same spell she had and holding it while taking a defensive position between (y/n) and the creature. The cocoon continued to shrink even more, reducing itself until it could easily fit in Karamatsu's palm. Grabbing a small hide bag tied to his belt, he scooped the cocoon into the bag and fastened it shut tightly.

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