Undertale!Brothers and Reader

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Inspired by Pippa Frost's Inktober 2016

I closed my eyes as I leaned my head against the wall behind me, hearing the fragile jars barely clink against each other from my slight movement. The jars, each wrapped up carefully and packed away inside my backpack, were more important to me than my own life. They contained the six brilliantly colored hearts of my best friends, a family of identical sextuplets, and they'd been handed to me for safe keeping a few months ago.

Something had scared them into removing the delicate pieces, and I promised to keep them safe with me. During the years that I had known the brothers, nothing seemed to really shake them...except for the briefest of glimpses of a certain shadow from their past. I had accepted their hearts without hesitation, watching them leave as they began to erase themselves from any kind of record.

For all intents and purposes, they were ghosts to those outside of the family.

I let my head drop softly onto the top of the backpack, the bag close to my chest as I hugged it for comfort.

The Matsuno family, the six identical brothers -- I was worried about them. As long as I was in possession of their hearts, they wouldn't suffer from most physical injuries. I could heal them, and that's why I didn't hesitate taking them but also knew that it would make me a big target.

The eldest brother made me promise to always be on the run and never settle in one place for very long. I was given the youngest's cell number, so I was able to update them on where I was. The urgency in his voice was scary, even more frightening than when he was mad at his troublesome brothers. I saw the hearts for the first time in his arms as he practically shoved them into my own during the conversation, the hunted look in his eyes obvious. After finding suitable containers for them, there was nothing else I could do but to ensure that they stayed out of sight.

I stilled as I heard a snap from the nearby woods, hoping that it was just an animal passing by. I strained to hear any more movement, holding my breath for as long as I could, my own heartbeat thundering in my ears.

Another crunch of leaves.

Much closer than before with no steps between. Two legs...


I gritted my teeth and launched from my sitting position, clutching the backpack tightly as I bolted away from the noise and into the growing dark of the late evening. I could only guess at who it was, but I was certain that it wasn't one of the brothers. They had always alerted me if one came to visit.

This person was more than likely hunting me.

I darted between the trees that surrounded the crumbling house that I was hiding in, my poor night vision aided by the full moon starting to rise in the black sky. My panting was masking any sounds behind me, but the only thing I could do was run forward. There was no opportunity for me to warn the brothers of what was happening, not wanting to risk the cell phone backlight giving away my position to whoever was chasing me.

I felt my hair yank back, ripping some strands out and forcing my head to tilt upwards, the forward momentum of my run rendered useless as I was thrown to the ground by my own body weight.

"So, that's what they've been hiding--" A scratchy male voice laughed as the person tried to wrestle the backpack out of my grip. I refused to let go, clutching the zippers in my right hand with both arms hugging the sack like a death grip, "Stubborn brat!"

I felt his hand cover my mouth and I bit down on instinct, drawing out a yell from him. His touch recoiled from me and I took the opportunity to roll away and start running again. Quickly digging out my phone from an open pocket in the backpack, I sent my location to the phone the brothers used, hoping that they were close enough to help. I felt a heavy hand on my right shoulder before being shoved into a tree, arching my back to an extreme degree so the jars didn't break from the collision.

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