Daddy!Brothers and Teacher!Reader

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Inspired by AliceWoodsWriter's prompt.

A long swig from the cold beer stein was what he needed to finish off the busy day, an index finger loosening his necktie as he closed his eyes in contentment. Feeling the chilled alcohol hit his empty stomach, he knew that he was going to crash hard tonight. He needed to after his boss put him through the ringer at the office. Setting the stein down on the table, he looked over the letter that was sent home with his young daughter last month, pouring over every detail before the booze disabled his vision completely.

'October 12, 20XX

Dear Parents:

Forest Point Preschool will join the thousands of schools nationwide in celebrating the XXth annual American Education Week from November 16-20, 20XX. As part of the celebration, we will be organizing "Parents Day" on Tuesday, November 17, 20XX, to provide you with a firsthand look at what the school day is like for your child. This initiative is designed to spotlight the importance of parental involvement in a child's education.

Our Parents Day will include a wide range of activities for parents to participate in, including storytime, coloring, and learning about the importance of sharing.

The activities taking place throughout the day will also reinforce American Education Week's tagline, "Reach. Educate. Inspire." The tagline represents NEA's vision of calling upon all Americans to do their part in making public schools great for every child so that they can grow and achieve in the 21st century.

We encourage you to participate in this important day. Please fill out the attached form to confirm your participation and return it to Bethany DeVan by November 1, 20XX.


Robert Gignex


He groaned a little as he set the mass-printed letter down, rubbing his forehead as his mind began to feel a little fuzzy. English was a second language for him, after all, and he still had some trouble reading the more complicated words.

His cell phone buzzed twice in rapid succession, drawing his attention to the thing resting face down on the table. Picking it up and looking at the screen, he saw a response to the text conversation he and his brothers had been having.

Finishing off the drink, he pushed the glass away before focusing on the messages.

'Parents Day is tomorrow, so no late-night drinking, Osomatsu!' A green-colored bubble warned him. He laughed before typing out 'too late' and sending a picture of the recently emptied glass.

The phone was silent for a moment before his ringtone shattered the silence in the apartment, the caller ID showing him that his third younger brother was calling. Osomatsu swore quietly before answering, keeping an ear towards a closed door nearby.

"Choromatsu, you're gonna get me in trouble!" Osomatsu partially laughed as he focused on the call, turning away from the door when he didn't hear anything past it.

"You're going to get yourself in trouble, crappy eldest..." Choromatsu's lighter voice commented on the other end of the line.

"Always seem to."

"Mia isn't watching you, is she?"

"No, she's asleep...despite you trying to wake her up with the call," Osomatsu partially closed an eye, looking back towards the door.

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