《chapter 1》 the arrival

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Welcome to the madness


Our parents finally let us go back to gravity falls! I havent been this excited in a long time! Well, I just haven't been excited in a long time period. Not much to be excited about. Me and Mabel had already gotten on the bus and are now on our way to gravity falls. I was listening to music and day dreaming while Mabel was drawing or something in the seat in front of me. I watched things pass by as we drove over the state borders. Once we neared our destination the trees got much thicker and a sign was coming up saying

"Welcome to gravity falls! The town of mystery!"

As soon as we passed it, though, I felt a weird sensation and my head spun for a few seconds before I felt a sharp pain starting in my temples.

"Dipper did you feel that? It was like electricity  coursing through my body" Mabel looked back at me with a confused look "I didn't feel electricity  but now I have a headache"

"Thats odd, we passed the barrier and we both felt weird sensations, mabey Ford had strengthened the barrier and that made it so it affected humans? But the bus driver doesn't seem fazed at all, and neither do the other passengers. Mabey its only people who have been exposed to weirdness.  That would make sense" but I think in my subconscious   I knew that wasn't right.

I could see the bus stop ahead and I saw our friends and family gathered to greet us. The bus came to a stop and the bus driver announced "Gravity  falls! Next and last stop Portland, Oregon!" Me and Mabel were the only ones to get off, Mabel grabbed one of her backpacks and ran off leaving me too get the rest of it.

I had two back packs and also had to get Mabels three suitcases. I stepped off the bus and the doors closed behind me. I set the luggage next to the Stans car and walked over to where everyone else was hugging and saying hi to Mabel. "Hey dipper! Nice too see you after so long, I hardly recognized you!" I looked to see where the voice came from and saw Wendy.

I said hello back and we exchanged hats. I didnt actually hear the hat much as it wasn't really my style but I wore it off the bus cause it would probably dissapoint wendy to see me not wearing it.

Eventually the others noticed me and said hello, and after a few minutes of catching up we got in our cars and began driving to the Shack.

We arrived and I just looked at the mystery hack in all of its rotting glory. I did eventually go inside to put my things in my room. Mabel let me have the attic cause she wanted the room we found the wax figures in. I walked up the stairs and set up my things. Ford got rid of Mabels bed and put in a desk for me. I put my books on the little book shelf and put my notepads and sketchbook on the desk.

I heard someone walking up too and opening the door so I was going to look over to see who it was when I was tackled to the ground by an excited Mabel.

"Dipper! We're finally back!" She yelled squeazing the life out of me. "I know Mabel, now get off me before I die!" Mabel backed off and sheepishly said sorry before screeching "AAAAAH! I so excited!" I sighed and stood up, Mabel said that candy a grenda had invited her to a sleepover her first day back. That meant she wasn't going to be here tonight, and Ford would probably in the lab all night. "What time are you gonna be back tomorrow?"

"Probably around one. We also want to go shopping afterwards. Mabey I can meet some cute boys(or girls) at the mall!" Mabel ran out of the room, presumably to go get ready for the sleepover. I decided to take a short walk through the forest since there was still an hour before dinner.

I grabbed a backpack and put my sketchbook, a notepad, water, and a snack in it just in case. Plus I always keep a pocket knife and mini survival kit with me to be prepared if anything happens. I walk downstairs, yell out im going to the forest for anyone who cared and walked out the door. Stan was sitting on the couch on the patio. "Can't go one hour with out going to the forest can you." Stan teased. I gave him a playful glare and he chuckled "be safe kid."

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