《chapter 9》

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Guys please stop reading, i can't keep the motivation to consistently upload T-T
If you guys notices any weird changes to the characters its because I forgot a lot of stuff about this story, I don't even remember where I was going with this so. . .
Also I'm not a doctor and I wrote this in an hour so don't come for me.

3rd person

Yelling could be heard for miles as the battle raged on.
Though Aclors army was vastly outnumbered, they had superior tactics and skill on their side. And that was all they needed.
Though alcor wished he was on the front lines, he knew it would take a toll on his still-recovering form. Instead, he was acting as a medic for the time being. He still had his incredible healing magic with him so he put it to good use. He was healing a soldier that had been shot in the shoulder by shrapnel caused by an explosion. It's unfortunate that the common spirits like the soldiers weren't mostly indestructible like the higher beings. They may be immortal, but death will come to all eventually, even those who have already died once before.

"Alcor! We have another one!"
Alcor gave his previous patient to a nurse and proceeded quickly to the next. An unfortunate dryad had been caught in the crossfire.
Though they weren't a part of his army, they were still a part of his kingdom and so it was his duty to see them recovered.
"What happened?" Alcor asked the dryad.
"I couldn't tell from which side it came, but a price of fractured sword flew away from the fighting as I was trying to get away and hit my back,"
Alcor sat them on a bed and inspected their back, there was a peice of silver sticking out.
"Its still in there, ill have to preform some emergency surgery. Please lie down of your front, would you prefer to be numbed or knocked out? The latter will take longer and increase risk of complications but the former may be uncomfortable,"
"Numbing is fine, I can deal with it if it gets this thing out of me faster,"

Alcor called over some nurses to assist him. Alcor sterilized the area and himself, as he did this the nurses prepared the patient.

Once he was ready and the patient gave consent, alcor began to carefully remove the sword shard from their back. Becuse it was so close to the spine he had to be especially careful. Thankfully the anatomy of a dryad is similar to a human, but a lot simpler, so there were less vital organ he would have to worry about.
Once he removed the shard, alcor cleaned the area and checked for more shards and punctured organs. He found another piece deeper into the flesh but it thankfully hadn't hit any organs. After all peices were removed alcor began the stitches, which didn't take too long and then he was finally able to get the patient taken to another area of the hospital.
"Your majesty," alcor turned to see a senior nurse behind him, "more medics  have arrived and the front as calmed  for now. You should take a break while you can."
"Alright, if you insist. Ill be back soon."

Alcor exited the pop-up hospital and made his way towards the nearby stream so he could be alone for a minute. As he entered a more secluded area of the forest he was stopped when he sensed an unfamiliar aura coming closer to him.
"So, this is the famous Alcor, Kemleer of wisdom and knowledge."
Alcor turned to see who had been following him. He narrowed his eyes, "ah, General Dignus, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

General Dignus is the one currently overseeing all operations a the palace, and the man he was waiting for.
"I think you know why I'm here. Cease this petty squabble at once, we both know you have no chance of winning."
Just then, a large amount of enemy soldiers jump out of the bushes and surrounded Alcor.
"So, you've come in hopes of intimidating me into submission, did you?" Alcor looked uneasy.
"Hah! Scared are you, I knew you were never so great, im surprised you lasted so long last time. Just follow me to the palace and maybe I'll let you go with your life in tact."
"A-Alright, I'll come with you, just d-dont hurt me." Aclor trembled slightly.
"Hahaha, this is going to be fun."
Alcors hands were bound and he was surrounded by guards, then he was led towards the palace by Dignus.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2023 ⏰

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