《chapter 3》 i remember. . .

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Fun fact: the person voicing dr. Coomer is a woman. Holly hollowtones


Once again I was in the field. But this time i was sitting at a picnic table by the cabin with the lady sitting in front of me.there was a warm breeze and I saw some rabbits playing in the feuld a little ways away. "I assume you have many questions. Ask as many as you like, ill answer as many as I can, but there are some things I'll leave to you to find out." I look back at her and she has a small smile. " who are you, and who was that man with you last time?"

"I'm Amani, seer for the gods, spirits, and kemleer. The man was Zachary, my assistant and best friend. He is the Kemleer of foresight and predictions." "What is a kemleer?"
"A Kemleer is a specific race of demons that are so powerful most consider them to be gods. They make up the highest status of the celestial hierarchy, the high counsel. The gods come to them with problems or for help whenever they see fit. They also decide the fate of dangerous criminals and rouge gods. You are a part of them." She pauses for a second to look at me. I just stay quiet waiting for her to continue.

"You are the Kemleer of wisdom and intelligence (how surprising), you and Bill are the strongest of the Kemleer." She summon some lemonade and offered me some but I refused. "Bill?" I asked shocked. "Yes, Bill is the kemleer of the mind and sanity. You two were very close. So once you. . . Were killed. . . The sadness drove him insane." I had no words. I knew I must have died to be reincarnated but its still weird hearing it. She let me think for a moment s I I could process the information.

"How did I die?"

She immediately frowned and when she spoke I could hear her voice shake ever so slightly. "A war was started among the gods. The other side decided to weaken the forces of their enemy they would go after the kemleer. They managed to weaken and corner you. Some of you had to survive so the realm wouldt fall while you were reincarnated. So the only way for the rest to escape was for you to sacrifice yourself." As she spoke images flashed through my mind.

"Mason you can't! You need to be the one to survive!"

I could hear voices yelling at me. They sounded familiar, mabey they were the other kemleer. "Mason?" I looked up and saw her staring at me with a worried look "are you ok?"

"I'm fine, just thinking." She seemed relieved but scowled when she heard what said next "what about Mabel?"

"Mabel is the kemleer of emotions. She was jealous of yours and Bill's power. So much so that she decided bring the gods against eachother and star a war. She then planted ideas in their heads that would result in you getting killed. Bill found out and killed her in a blind rage." This was unbelievable. Mabel was a villain? "She must be different this time. She's so nice now." I said trying to convince myself she was good. "Lets hope you're right so we can finally end this silly war." The world faded away and all went quiet. . .


I opened my eyes to see my room once again. I heard Stan and Ford talking downstairs so I decided to go and say good morning. I put on a green shirt and grey joggers. I go down the stairs and into the kitchen where Stan was drinking some milk. I get out some waffles from the freezer and put them in the toaster. "Morning stan."

"Mornin' kid." He didn't seem like he wanted to talk so I just played some games on my phone waiting for my waffles to be done. Mabel came in and got a jug of Mabel juice from the fridge. I could visibly see Stan shutter when he saw it, and I dont blame him. Its full of plastic dinosaurs, flavor syrups, sugar. And glitter. She got sick from drinking so much of it once and she had to go to the hospital. Our mom forced her to stop drinking it but she managed to sneak some in every other day. At least she switched to edible glitter after that. My waffles were done so I pulled them out and just ate them as I didnt feel like syrup. Plus I just don't like frozen chocolate chip waffles with syrup.

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