《cnapter 2》 whats going on

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I was floating through darkness when I suddenly fell and landed in grass. I looked around and saw I was in a medow surrounded by forest and a cabin right on the edge. "Beware the star." I looked around trying to find where the voice came from  but I couldnt see anyone. "You will be betrayed, please be careful." I looked back in front of me and saw the woman I saw in the forest. Standing next to her was the man. The lady was about 167 cm(5'5) and she was wearing white and blue robes with accents of gold. Her her eyes were grey, with no pupils and she had a little necklace on that I couldnt see the charm for.

(Just so you guys know, the lady is based of of the priestess from goblin slayer and the man looks like Daniel from amnesia)

The man had shoulder length brown hair and a white button up shirt on with the puffy sleeves and lace on the cuffs. He had brown dress pants and shin high boots, he was about 185 cm (6'1), 7 cm(3in) taller than me.

"Who are you? Why do you keep telling me to 'beware the star'?" The lady and the man looked at eachother, then the man spoke "you'll find out soon"
As I was about to ask what he meant the world around me faded and I was once again in darkness.

I opened my eyes to see Stan and Mabel sitting by me. I look around and I see that I'm in my room. "Dipper, are you okay? Gruncle Stan and Gruncle Ford said that yesterday you were really spaced out and then you just fainted." Mabel sounded really worried. I tried to sit up but my head hurt too much so I just stayed down. "Sorry I worried you, I just wasn't feeling well." That was only part of the truth, I dont know why I just didn't want to tell them about the people in my dream.

"If you felt sick you should've told Stan and gone upstairs, he would understand." I just stayed silent, I was quiet for a second before Ford came in the room and saw that I was awake. "Dipper you're up, how do you feel." He asked walking over to the bed "my head is killing me but otherwise I'm fine." I tried to sit up again but this time it was my stomache  that forced me back down "never mind Its also my stomache."

Vomit warning

Mabel looked worried "mabey you should just stay down" I nodded, not able to say anything as a sharp pain came from my stomache making me wince. My whole body ached and I felt like throwing up. I started feeling hotter and I had a sinking feeling in my stomache, thats when I knew I was about to throw up. I quickly got up ignoring the pain and speed walked to the bathroom kind of slouched to lessen the pain. As soon as I got to the bathroom I threw up into the toilet.

My whole body was shaking and the tiled floor felt so cold against my sensitive skin. My eyes were watering and I had a fowl taste in my mouth. Mabel came in and helped me wash up then helped me back into bed. My stomache hurt slightly less now and my nose had started running. I didnt pay attention to what came out of me in the bathroom  but Mable was telling Ford that there had been some sort of black liquid. My head was spinning and I was loopy because I just couldn't think straight. I eventually passed out while the others were talking.


Stan had called me last night saying that dipper had passed out so I rushed home  to see if he was okay. he just threw up in the bathroom and went back to bed. When I went in to help him I saw some sort of black liquid and decided I would ask Ford if he knew what it was.

"I have no idea what it could be. He might've ate something in the forest that could have caused this. I know of a few things that could do this." Ford said unsure of the situation. "That would make sense, he seemed perfectly fine when he left yesterday, it was when he got back that he started acting all weird." Stan added.

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