《 chapter 6 》

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There's going to be a nonbinary character soon, what should their gender be? Or should they not have one at all?


Memories replayed in my mind as I sat on the sofa in my room. Unpleasant memories. It's weird, remembering your own death, but I've died before, so its nothing new. Just. . . A bit surreal.


I was walking down the hall to the dungeons, I had to. . . Speak. . . With a prisoner about some very important information he had and I needed. I'm not usually one for torture but when it came to the fate of the kingdom I was willing to participate.

I walked past some guards and down some stone steps. The cells I walked past were disgusting, I need to have these cleaned, we're keeping prisoners not pigs. I eventually made it to the one I was coming for and I looked in.

The 'bed' in the corner was empty and I didnt see anyone until I looked in the corner and saw the man. He had matted black hair and dirty clothes. I could tell immediately that he was planning on trying to lure me farther in, then attack me and escape.

Deciding to humor him I unlocked the cell and walked in, but stopped about two feet in. This clearly annoyed him. "Get up, I'm taking you somewhere." I told him firmly. "Like I'd let you order me around. A king such as yourself would never survive if you lived like me." He snapped back.

He was probably trying to get me mad so I would walk closer to him and let my guard down. "Unfortunately I don't think I would be one if I couldnt. I good king is always empathetic and understanding of struggling citizens and helps all he can. But for you I dont think I can be so nice." I said the last part with venom. He was part of a infamous gang in the capital, he had ruined many lives for the sake of his own.

I walked towards him to grab him but once I got within three feet he lunged at me. I easily dodged and simply kicked his shin to make him lose balance and fall over. While he was dazed from the sudden fall I cuffed his hands then chained and shackled his feet.

Forcing him up I pulled him out of the cell and towards the torture chamber. "W-where are you taking me?" He tried to sound intimidating but he just sounded wimpy. "You'll see soon enough." Was all I said before continuing down the hall.

️⚠️torture warning⚠️

"Here we are~" I said sweetly as I opened the door. The room was full of bloody equipment and torture devices. We never use this place much except for important cases like this. We're not monsters after all.

Not wanting to get bloody right away I decided to start with some good old fashioned water boarding. I strapped him to a table and grabbed a rag. "So, you want to give me the information or are we gonna do this the hard way?" He glared at me but I could see the fear in his eyes "ill never speak."

"We'll see about that." I placed the cloth over he face and brought up a bucket of water. Slowly pouring it onto his face. As I did I could hear him start to 'drown' under the cloth. Once the water was gone I lifted to cloth. "How about now?"

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