《chapter 7》

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♤Alcor♤ (what a surprise)

We've spent the last couple days trying to figure out what was going on, but ever since we tried to preform the spell in Mary's mind she hasn't woken up. I have a feeling she will soon, but I'm not sure.

Theres still a war going on and I need to get caught up on whats happened since I've been gone. The stress has been getting to me, and no one knows what to do.
Usually I would be able to figure it out pretty quick but I've been gone for so long it'll take a while for me to fully get back into the swing of things.

Bill has also noticed the stress I've been going through, he wants to help but he still needs to regain his lost energy.

I'm just taking a short break in the library to think for a minute before I get back to work. I've been thinking of why the spell that attacked Bill is in her mind, but I've only thought of a few reasons.

She could've put it there herself and forgot to tell us, she could be being controlled by someone and they put it there to prevent us from finding out, or she didn't forget about it and didn't tell us because she has stuff she wants to hide.

The first one doesn't seem right because she's never been forgetful about these things, and the third one doesn't seem likely because she knows we wouldn't have gone through her memories. And she used to trust me full heartedly.

But who would want to control her?

I thought for a moment and only came up with three suspects. Two of them didn't like her and the other doesn't like the high court at all. The spirit of negativity, Odium, is self explanatory, the Godess of magical creatures, Arietes, dislikes her for an unknown reason, and the God of the sun, ílios, doesn't like us because he's jealous of our authority.

I'm not sure why Ílios would start a war through her though, mabey to protect his own image? That would make sense. But what do we do about it? He's already got a powerful spell on her mind and I doubt she would cooperate with us again. And then when we free Mary, we still have to deal with Ílios, cause I doubt he would be dumb enough to have his death break the spell.

He may be below us power wise, but this spell must have taken the cooperation of another powerful God.

I should talk to Bill about it, mabey he could help me sort throught my thoughts.

I got up from my chair and made my way to mine and Bill's room.


I opened the door and saw Bill reading a book on our bed, I walked over and sat down at the edge of the bed, sighing in the process. "What's up pinetree?" Bill asked putting his book down and looking at me. "I've come up with a few theories as to whats been going on, Mary could have forgotten about the spell, which I doubt, she could be hiding something, which she knows we wouldn't have gone through her memories, or she could be being controlled by a third party." I ran my fingers through my hair  as I spoke" the people who could be controlling her are Odium, but he isn't strong enough to cast a spell like that, Arietes, which we don't even know if her motive is strong enough to warrant this, and Ílios. He makes more sense but even if it is him, then how do we remove the spell? He somehow managed to double the power of the spell without completely draining himself, and the exact spell used is still unknown. " I finished my rant and just layed down, my head ending up by Bill's knees.

"Wow, you've really been thinking a lot, haven't you?" Bill said smirking, I just scoffed at his remark.
"I think that sounds reasonable, about Ílios I mean, he had been giving us some trouble before all this happened. I wouldn't put it too far past him to do this just for the sake of his ego."
Bill sat up against the headboard and motioned for me to join him.
I sat up and crawled next to him, leaning my head on his shoulders.

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