《chapter 8》Bill is a child

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Yes I drew that

Third person pov

A man with bright yellow hair and orange streaks stands at a table. On the table are multiple papers strewn about. One in particular has a short, yet urgent message.

"The lost have been found, an attack is imminent, bring back your men, prepare for the coming battle"

The man clenched his jaw, annoyance teeming within his golden eyes. He had thought they would never come back. The weapon he used should have killed them for good! Malivir must have lied.
He knew he never should have trusted that thing, but without them he wouldn't have been able to take control of the annoying being called Marrionette

For now he will just have to take their advice. He left the room, rubbing his temples as he did, and leaving an unnoticed figure standing in the corner, silently laughing at the man's displeasure.


♤Alcors pov♤

We left for the palace a few hours ago and Bill is already antsy, "pintreeeeee, im booored!" He wined beside me "why couldn't we just fly or teleport."
"Because, Bill, not everyone here can fly or teleport. And having us teleport them would take too much magic. Plus, they probably have a barrier around the capital too, they'll know if any one teleports in, and they would be able to see us coming if we flew."
"Ugh, how long until we stop." He asked
"About 4 hours until the next rest, and then another 7 hours until we stop for the night." I told him, Bill sighed.
"If you want you can go bother some humans back on earth but be back in two hours." Bill's eyes lit up when I said that, he gave me a kiss then teleported to earth to go mess with so humans, I giggled a little and his childishness and tied his horse to mine. "Geez, you've been back for what, a week? And you've already started spoiling him." Linea laughed as she rode up beside me. "He's like a child, if I didn't let him go he would've started asking if we were there yet every ten seconds." We both laughed together and started talking about every way Bill was like a child. Eventually Oliver and Zachary joined in and the two hours Bill was gone went by really quickly.

I Eventually sensed him behind me turned around to him right behind me, so close our noses touched, "Hey Ally~." He said in a low voice. I could feel my face heating up so I turned away from him, I could hear him, Linea, Oliver, and Zachary laughing. Bill sat on his horse and I untied him from mine. "Who's life did you ruin this time." I asked as he rode up to me. "It was the usual, cults wanting ultimate power and greedy assholes wanting riches. I gave fordsy a visit and messed with him a bit. But otherwise there wasn't much going on." Bill finished as he picked at his nails. "Well, I at least got a couple hours not having to deal with you." I shrugged
"Hey! I'll have you know I am a delight to be around!" Bill glared
I giggled "sure you are."
Bill began pouting as we rode on and I heard him muttering to himself a few times.

I continued to laugh along with the others, Bill eventually joined in once he restored his hurt pride. We eventually got to the rest area which was a near a cliff overlooking a beautiful fjord. I helped set up a few charmed tents that would remain cool in the heat of the sun so we could get a proper rest before we set off again. Bill and I sat at the cliffs edge together and Wachtel the waves lap over the sand below. "Hey, Alcor, do you ever miss your human life?" Bill asked as he stared into the distance. "Sometimes a little, but now all those days are to me are fleeting memories to be forgotten over time, sad though it is. But I'm sure we will make plenty more memories to replace those lost to the sands of time." I smiled warmly at Bill. "Wow, only over a week in and you're already back to your old self huh?" Bill returned the smile.

"I guess I am, although I don't think I really changed all that much, maybe a bit less mature, but with all thats happened I didnt have much time adjust back to my old life." I felt Bill's hand brush mine so I held it out for him. We sat in silence for a while, just enjoying each other's company until Linea interrupted our silence.
"Alright lovebirds, time to get back on the road." She called to us "alright Bill, come on."
"Ughhh, do I have to?"
"Yes, get up, unless you want to get time out?"
"Okay, okay! I'm getting up!"


We finally made it to our resting point for the night, a glade in the middle of the gredian forest, which is about 20 miles outside of the capitol.Powered was also a small river nearby that I planned to visit once we were done setting up. We put up tents and lit some campfires which only took about an hour with everyone helping. We had about 5 2 persons tents, 20 4 person tents, a medical tent, and an extra tent to use for any purpose. After that rations were passed out and everyone did their own thing waiting for lights out. I walled to the river and sat down in the riparian area and studied a few flowers that were growing in the area. There was one flower that interested me, It was light gray and had a slight glow to it, what interested me though was that I didnt recognize it. Being the kemleer of knowledge I am a walking library, I knew every single plant and species that grew in the kingdom and I yet i had never seen anything like this one. I took out me journal and began to sketch. "Hey Ally, wha'cha drawing." I heard Bill ask behind me "have you ever seen a flowing like this before?" I gestured to the flower before me. "No, I don't think I have."
"Thats what I thought, must be some new specimen, perhaps its seeds were carried over from far away by some merchant or pedler." I suggested

I saw Bill playing with something in the water out of the corner of my eye and glanced up. It appeared he was playing with a baby water sprite. "You look like a child who's just discovered candy, dear."
"Hey! These things are adorable!" Bill remarked
I laughed at him and watched as he plIayed with the sprite. It was going well until the baby sprite sprayed him with water. I burst out laughing as Bill looked dejected at the sprite. I summoned a handkerchief and handed it to Bill so he could dry off. Once I could finally stop laughing I picked up the small sprite, it hovered slightly over my hand as I stroked its back with my finger. The sprite shivered excitedly and rubbed gently against my hand. I noticed a glowing in the corner of my eye and looked down to see that the flower was glowing a light purple. "Interesting, I wonder what caused to to do that." I picked one of the flower and cast an enchantment that would prevent it from withering.

"Alright," I spoke as I put down the water sprite "I think it's about time we head back to camp." Bill nodded and we bagen walking back to camp so we could get to rest before the coming battle.

I just hope everything will go according to plan. . .

Au revoir 😘

1300 words


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