《chapter 4》 im so sorry. . .

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Fun fact: I'm the creep(yellow one) and that was some immaculate acting i did there.



"P-pintree. . . I'm so sorry. . . I d-didnt know it was you. . . I'm so sorry for what I did to you. . ." Bill was crying and apologizing barly above a whisper. It was strange to see him like this, its gonna be weird getting used to his presence. He was just crying into my shoulder, whispering and apology or saying he missed me every now and again.

"Bill, calm down. Its okay, I know you didn't.mean to hurt me." I tried comforting him with sweet nothings to calm him down. Eventually his crying died down to the occasional sniffle. "You took so long, I thought they had used the shiatsu to kill you. . ." I had never heard of it in this life but I somehow knew what it was. The shiatsu is a special dagger that can permanently kill a kemleer. It was only recently discovered before the war and we were searching for a way to safely destroy it.

"I would never let them kill me with that. Even though I was weak I could fight back. I'm sorry I left you but I couldnt escape. I promise i'll never leave again." Bill seemed comforted by these words.

"Have you regained your memory?" Bill asked, looking up at me. "Only bits, but I know it'll all come back soon." After that we stopped talking. Bill kept holding me and I knew he needed this so I kept my arms wrapped around him aswell. After what felt like an hour I heard Ford, Stan, and Mabel calling for me. They were probably worried about me as a ihad just randomly walked into the forest and didn't come back for around two hours, plus I dont doubt that they saw the bright light too.

"Should I leave?" Bill asked, but held me tighter, showing that he didn't want too. "You don't need too, they'll probably be like "CiPhEr, WhAt ArE yOu DoInG hErE!? GeT aWaY fRoM mY nEpHeW!" But if we explain it should be fine." Bill nodded and put his head back on my shoulder, I could tell he was nervous. I heard their footsteps getting closer.

Eventually I heard Mabel walk into the clearing and gasp. "Dipper. Is that Bill?" Me and Bill stand up because we hear Ford and Stan coming closer "Hey shooting star." Ford and Stan came into the clearing and Ford pulled out his gun"dipper! Get away from that demon!" I heard Bill laugh a little and I responded"you know I'm a demon too right?" Ford opens his mouth to say something but closes it soon after. "Just tell me what you're doing here!" Ford finally yells
"I just so happen to miss pinetree, I havent seen him in over a century. Well, technically I saw him five years ago but that doesn't count cause I didn't know it was him, and I was crazy."

"Weren't you always crazy?" Ford asked in a rude tone "no i wasn't. It was just some. . . Unfortunate events. . . Had taken place which caused me to lose my sanity." Bill said, clearly uncomfortable with ranking about it, so I just brought him closer and whispered to him "I know a waterfall around here that has a beautiful cave inside." Bill nodded "can you teleport?" I shrugged. Might as well try. I focused my attention on my magic again, then tried imagining the waterfall, and my magic being transported there. It took a few seconds but eventually I felt like I was floating, then I was submerged in water.

I swam to the top and looked around , I had telephoned to the middle of the lake, Bill was close by "I guess I still need to get used to this again huh?" Bill just nodded and began swimming to the shore, I followed suit. Once we got to the shore bull dried us off and I took him to the waterfall.

We walked in through a small opening by the falls and Bill's eyes widened. The light coming in through the water was reflecting off of crystals the littered the wall and ceiling. Somehow it wasn't very loud even though we were right next to the waterfall. There was a smooth rock at the back of the cave and Bill and I decided to sit on that. I went into my demon form to me more comfortable. Yes the wings can be annoying but its more comfortable energy wise. Bill was already in demon form(humanoid demon) so he stayed the same. "Your eyes are just as beautiful as I remember." Bill said staring at me "you know its rude to stare." I said back as I booped his nose. He grabbed my hand "I'm sorry, I just can't help myself."

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