Chapter 16

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January 26, 2018

(Y/n) p.o.v

Just 2 more weeks until the Winter Olympics as I was thinking to myself. I was ready but nervous because a lot could happen in the Winter Olympics, cheating. The one major problem for a country to win their medal by cheating. I wasn't in that place but, Yuna Kim, my rival, and my helping partner had experienced it.  I won gold because of my potential and Yuna knows it well. I won a lot of first place from worlds, nationals, and etc. She could tell I have the potential of winning gold. To be honest, I admired her and her skating because it's like a queen knowing what her jumps, expressions, and much more. To be honest, I even admire the previous generations of figure skating even from the early's 2000s like Michelle Kwan. I decided to try to get in contact with Yuna to help me. Even though she's retired, she could give me tips on how to do the 3 combinations jumps or how to relax while doing a jump or an element. "(Y/n)!" I heard a yelled and I snapped myself back to reality and saw Eleanor heading my way. "You seemed to be in deep thought, are you nervous for the Olympics?" She asked while we were skating around. I nodded and asked her, "Do you think you could keep your career? I don't want to be rude nor anything because of your family status and-" she put her hand in front of me which meaning to stop talking. "I understand what you're trying to say and to be honest, I don't want to do what my family wants me to do, I feel free doing what I love," She smiled and continued her practice. I took a deep breath and continue with my practice.

"It's 11:40 pm, it's time to leave (y/n)," Eleanor said while taking her stuff and waiting near the door. "Don't worry about me, you go ahead, I'll catch up," I said and return to the ice. "Okay, but don't stay too late. Be careful of your injury, it's not that long that it has been healed," she said while looking worried at me. I nodded and she left. I waited for 15 minutes because Yuna came to visit me and since today was the only day that she could late at night. "Hello (y/n), sorry I had to see you practice late," I heard Yuna behind me and I skate towards her. "It's fine, I don't mind as long I'm going to do well in 2 weeks," she nodded in understanding. She was helping me with my 3 combination jumps and my axel jump. 

"It's 4 am, I recommend you going home since it's late and you must have a good rest," Yuna said and before I left I said, "Yuna, even though you didn't win first or second place, your always first place in my heart," I smiled and left.

Yuna p.o.v

"Yuna, even though you didn't win first or second place, your always first place in my heart," (y/n) smiled and left. When she said it, I knew she really admires me a lot. I admire her even though she was really young from the 2014 Sochi Olympics, but I could tell that she has a lot of potentials. I grabbed my stuff to go home since I have a flight for tomorrow. I smiled and looking back from 2014

4 years ago...

I was waiting for my turn since I was second to last to perform. I saw (y/n) looking seriously at Adelina Sotnikova seriously and I could tell she was looking at the jumps. When I was called she went up to me and said, "I know you could do," she whispered and smiled. She walked away and I could tell she admires my jumps.

When (Y/n) was performing, she left me shock and speechless. I always heard she's a prodigy skater but, I didn't think she was that good. I smiled and cheered on for her. When she finished, I went up to her and said, "Be proud of yourself, you done well." She thanked and left to see her scores.  She got first place, which I was happy for her but, let me upset. Not because I didn't get gold, because I ended up in third place. She was happy but furrow her eyebrows and looked at me. She turned back and seemed to be angry, mad, and not surprised. She talked and came up to me and whispered to me, "You shouldn't be in third, you deserve to be in second place," I looked at her and replied, "I know but, I'm glad this is over." I smiled and we walked together to our interview. Ever since that day, we met again for dinner at the gala after the gala exhibition again, we decided to stay in contact.


I smiled at the picture we were taken for almost 4 years with (y/n). Can't wait to see how you perform (y/n), I thought to myself and left the rink. I took a deep breath and said to myself, "I hope she gets gold," I shook myself and left to go get some rest. The thing that stands out the most from (y/n) is that she's emotional and shows expression from the music that she is performing, even artistically. I wish the best of luck to her.

(Y/n) p.o.v

I got home and it was 4:30 am and went to sleep since I have practice in 4 hours. Before I slept into my bed, I got a message from Yuna and smiled. It said, "It has been a while for seeing each other, and hope your training is doing well with Coach Brian. Too bad I wasn't able to train with the same Coach but, I know you are going to be the next "Yuna Kim" but, in your own way. Well, sleep well and see you soon in Pyeongchang soon. Your trusted friend, Yuna Kim." I smiled and put my phone down and changed my clothes to sleep. Tomorrow is another long day.

Next day...

I was at the rink, usually practicing my three combination jumps. "(Y/n)!" I turned around and saw Yuzuru, Javier, and Shoma coming up to me. By the look of it, I could tell Shoma was blushing. "What do you guys?" I asked being confused about why Yuzuru and Javier were smiling. "Yuzuru, you explain since your dating (y/n)," when Javier said that, Yuzuru came next to me and put his arm around my shoulder. "I need to talk to you something later. Right now, Shoma has a problem with your cousin," when he said it, I turn to face Shoma and said directly, "Did my cousin did something bad to you? Don't worry I could take of it right now-" before I could finish my sentence, Shoma said, "I like your cousin. Would you give me the blessing to ask her out!"He said in a manner and respectful way in the culture of Japan. "Just a moment, I need to talk to Yuzuru privately," he nodded and we took a bit of a break from practice.  "You need to talk to me, right? Now, spill the beans, " I said  while Yuzuru took a deep breath and continue, "I was wondering, since we went to dates and stuff and well, would you be my girlfriend?" I kept silent and said to him, "Before I say my answer, I want to say this before I decide my decision. We both have a goal of winning the gold medal for the 2018 Olympics. If one of us wins the gold or we both win the gold, I would like our relationship to be the next step," I said and he smiled in return. "Let's go, Shoma and Javier are waiting for us," he nodded and took my hand while walking back to the ice.  

When we got back to Shoma and Javier, I said, "I will allow you to date my cousin but, under one condition, you won't hurt my cousin and-" before I could finish, I turned around to face him and said directly, "Unless you do a task for me and Eleanor." He nodded and I said, "I want you to ask her on a date and tell her how you feel after the Olympics is over," He understood since we want to focus on our performance. We return for what we were practicing on until I notice Eleanor's presence. "You guys go ahead and continue practicing, I need to talk to Eleanor," they nodded and skated off. "What's happened, Eleanor? You seemed to something bothering you," She shook her head and said, "Nothing is wrong, why would you think that way?" She said with a fake smile. "I know you're not, I know you're not smiling truly, now tell me. What's wrong?" I said and asked directly. "Just, nothing, now let's go back training since the Olympics is coming soon," She skated away and I'm worried since she's part of my family. I hope she's doing okay.

Eleanor's p.o.v

I hope she doesn't notice anything suspicious. I just don't want her to stress out more than she needs to.  I thought to myself and went back to my practice. The main goal for me is winning silver or gold. I want to complete what I want to accomplish. But the worst that I'm worried about is making my investigation about (y/n) and her father. I hope he comes back before (Y/n) performs her short program and cheer on for her.

Hello!! Thanks for reading and also, thank you for the 1.1k reads! I will stop writing this today and come back writing around 3 or 4 weeks. The reason is that I have to study for my finals and I don't want to lose my concentration. Thank you for reading and I will come back around the beginning week of February. Thanks for reading! Also, no hate on these two figure skating women, every figure skater are good, some. Thanks for reading!

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