Chapter 7

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It was already May and I'm graduating. You may think and ask why I'm graduating at 17, which I'm a junior in high school. Well, I passed my equivalency testing for Math, English, and Science. I took 21 AP testing. In freshman year, I took 7 AP and continue that cycle in my second and third years, including, Spanish, French, Japanese, German, and Latin. I need to stop, anyway, I have another competition for the World Cup of China. I was running since it was the only day I wasn't training and Coach wanted me to study for the exam but, I still want to practice for the World Cup. When I got home from my run, I took a shower went to my room. I took out a thick workbook of my study of the exam, this is going to be fun.

5 hours later...

It's 1 p.m. and I'm tired of me studying. I decided to take a break and go downstairs to grab a bite of something. I made myself a crepe and saw my grandmother. "Hello Grandmother, how are you doing this fine morning?" She looked at me and smiled. "I'm doing fine. Your mother will be coming home late." I nodded and was looking at what she was doing. "What are you doing, Grandmother?" She made a space for me to sit on the stool of the piano we have. "I'm composing my final music." I was confused about what she is saying. I asked, "What do you mean?" She laughed and open the piano lid and hand me the music sheet. "I want you to play it, in the piano." I nodded and settled the sheet music in front of me and put my hand in position. It was 15 minutes in the music and didn't felt it was long. "It was beautiful," I said to my grandmother and handing her composition back. "Thank you, now go. You have to study for your finals." I nodded and went to my room and decided to practice my violin for a bit.

6 months later...

It's November and almost to the family reunion, which means, Having dinner with that lady (my mother mothers) which I HATE her. Back then, when I visited her before we came to Canada, she would criticize me saying "I'm not a proper lady". I hater her rules, when I go to her house and mother, noticed it and told if I don't feel comfortable going there, I don't have to. I didn't and I didn't see her in a year or two. "Mother, I will be going to the store and buy something, do you need anything?" I asked since sometimes she calls midway coming home of having my things already bought. "Sure, can you bring me radish, please? I'm making kimbap (Korean sushi) for lunch with cooked fresh ramen." I nodded. I grabbed my house keys and closed the door behind me. It was a good evening, even though it was 5 p.m. but can't complain. I got to the store and grabbed my necessaries stuff of the time of the month since I ran out. I went to the food section and grabbed the radish which I'm a fan of but, not really. I was grabbing something and bumped into someone. "Sorry, I wasn't looking." I apologized and notice the clothes. "Yuzuru?" He turned and smiled. "How are you doing?" He asked and we laughed. "We need to stop meeting coincidentally." He nodded in agreement. "How was your Japanese testing?" I pretended to be sad. "I failed." He looked disappointed. "I was joking yuzuru, I passed all my five languages." He took out a breath of reliefs. "You scared me and thinking I didn't help you to pass your test." We talk and paid our stuff. "It's 6 p.m. you could leave." He shakes his head. "No, it's dangerous for you a lady to walk alone." I tried to argue back. "I will be fine, don't worry about me." He went back to it again. "No, I'm taking you it's final." I nodded but, I didn't want to bother him.

It was a good walk and we got to my house. "Thank you for dropping me off, I don't want to bother you." I gave him a respected bow. "No, it won't be a bother to me." When I was opening the door and got it to open, I waved him goodbye and was about to leave but, my mother came. "(Y/n), good thing your here. Oh, yuzuru! How are you?" "I'm doing fine. I came to walk your daughter home since it's dangerous for her to walk alone." She nodded in understanding. "Thank you, I appreciate you walked my daughter home safely. Would you like to stay with us for dinner?" I could tell he doesn't want to be a bother. Oh, how the roles have switched. "I don't want to be a bother." "You won't, I insist." He nodded and since our house is a form of Asian tradition since my father's family is Japanese and I'm not sure my mother part of the family. I took off my shoes and set them in the racket for the shoes. "You can put your shoes in the racket." He nodded and saw the food is almost ready. "Why don't you sit since your guest." "No, is there something that could help with?" I turned around and saw what to do. "You could help me set the table." He nodded and we set the table. I helped my mother served the food and we talk and ate, I find it fun.

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