Chapter 22

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Before you start reading, I had to add the video of Yuzuru Hanyu of his performance of Hope and Legacy, hope you guys don't mind. Also, I had to modify the jumps in the story when you're reading, just letting you know.  

February 22, 2018...

(Y/n) p.o.v

It was the free skate and I'm performing Hope and Legacy by Joe Hisaishi and the jumps I had to modification since most half are triple which I don't mind but, there were quads I have been practicing but, not ready to show off yet. I was doing my ritual (claiming yourself down or getting yourself confidence) and was practicing for my jumps. It was in the morning and, to be honest, I'm not a morning person, even when it comes to performing. I came back behind the rink from the 5-minute warm-up. I changed to my shoes and put on my earbuds to practice with the jumps I need to get when I'm back at the rink since I'm the last person going up. I hope the judges don't take points of the risk of my jumps for just a Russian figure skater to win with no hard work.

"Next up, (Y/n) (L/n) representing from the United States of America," after the announcer said my name, I skated out and open wide my arms for my entrance. A lot of people were cheering and made me feel a bit better. I took my position and took a deep breath. I started to skate by showing my hand movement, I wasn't feeling nervous now but, after 53 seconds in, it was my opening jump; the triple loop. I landed well and continue with the repertoire with the music. My second jump is my signature jump; quad salchow. (1:11) I was preparing myself for the hard jump, but I did it without thinking and landed well, it needs some work but I didn't fall, so that's good. (2:33) I was preparing for my third jump...landed perfectly on the triple flip. I can't let my guard down yet. A lot more jumps are coming, one is a quad salchow combination of the triple toe. I did that jump and landed it well (3:07) and continue showing how I'm feeling while I was skating. I felt like I'm making my own legacy with these hard jumps. While I was skating, I didn't realize that I did the quad loop without realizing it (3:29). I heard the crowd go wild, I was smiling more going through the music. I'm back in the world and realize I have to do the triple axel + double toe loop and did it with perfection (3:46). I was doing a lot of jumps in the first and second half of the free program. If I want to get the gold medal, I risking these jumps to get to the podium. It was now the triple axel + euler+ triple salchow jumps of combination (4:02) and when I land is good, the music made me think what I'm performing for and why I'm doing it, I'm making my own history.  I didn't realize I had one more jump, the triple lutz (4:51).  I took a deep breath and jump...I landed it. My hands were tight of happiness of managing to land the jumps I have been practicing and falling through with my hard work. While I did my last spin combination and put my hands outside, I smiled when I was finished. When I finished, I saw my father in front of me, I let myself fall and started to cry about my performance and seeing my father again. I got up and bow to the crowd and a lot of people were throwing a lot of stuff, 60% were Winnie the pooh. I smiled and grabbed on while heading to my coach.

I hugged Coach Brian and Tracy and said to both of them, "Thank you." I said while crying and they could with the hard work I put in was a great outcome. Brian hand me, my guards, for my skates and I put them on. We headed to see what I got for my free skate. "How did you feel when you were skating?" Tracy asked and I replied, "I felt like I had a big momentum, mostly on my quad jumps," I said honestly and she told me, "You did, it even shows on your face," Brian said and I thanked both of them. I got up and bow to the bow waved at everyone in front and behind me. I even bow to Brian and Tracy and sat back down. "Here it is," Brain said while we were looking at what my total scores will be. "(Y/n) (L/n) has earned from the free program 158.43 with a total she holds 241.15 a new world record and her new season-best." When the announcer said my score, I was shocked and got my second gold medal and I started to cry tears of joy. "You did a great job, (y/n). Congratulations!" Brian said and I hugged him and Tracy tightly. I let them go snd I stand up and waved at everyone and everybody was cheering me on. "(Y/n)!!" I heard behind me and looked who it was and it was Javier, Shoma, Yuzu, Eleanor, Mother, and my father. "Woo! Congrats, cousin!" Eleanor yelled in the crowd and I laugh softly.

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