Chapter One - Then

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So i don't own Gossip Girl. It belongs to its respective owners. I only own Rose.


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I screamed in delight as I was dancing on the table holding a champagne glass. I was with my Best friends Blair and Nate and my brother Chuck. Serena was around here somewhere. We were playing truth or dare and it was getting more fun by the second.

"A little help dear brother." I called down he held up his hands to my waist and helped me down.

"Excuse me but I'm gonna have to ask you to leave." We booed as a bouncer motioned to some others for us to be escorted out.

"We shall take this back to the hotel."  I stumbled out of the club and saw a guy getting out a sports car.

"Oh, hijack!" i screamed running over, slamming into the guy lifting his keys and sliding into the car.

"Hey." I was drunk but fast I grinned turning on the ignition.

"Thanks love. Last one theres a loser!" I yelled to the others who were laughing. I saw the radio "Humm what does a flashy guy like you listen to.


"Meh no bad." I started dancing a little and singing along and  swerving between cars. My phone rang.

"Bro, eating my dust. You owe me...Oh shit!" I swerved to avoid a pedestrian I screamed as tried to regain control and then everything went black.

-3rd Person-

Chuck was in the limo with the others, when he heard his sister curse, scream and there was a crash.

"Rose!" He yelled catching everyone's attention "Rose!" he sobered up quickly "Rosie!" there was still no answer. The car stopped

"Why are we stopping?!" Chuck yelled at Arthur, his driver

"There seems to be congestion sir." Chuck knew better. He opened the door and jumped out, then started to run shoving people out of the way, a couple of minutes down the road there was a crowd gathering

"Move! Move!" I pushed his way through and he froze, there in the car she stole was his sister.

"Call and ambulance! Rosie!" he ran over and knelt to where his sisters head lagged against the steering wheel. She had been lucid enough to be wearing a seat belt.

"Rosie, wake up."

"Chuck!" Nate yelled. Chuck took his sisters hand as he heard sirens. The approached closer and arrived at the scene, Fire, Ambulance and Police had arrived and Chuck was brought back away from his sister.

"Get off me she's my sister!" He screamed  "She's my sister!"


Everyone waited for news on the twin Bass. Police had been stationed outside and Bart Bass had been called.  They waited for hours.

"Chuck!" Chuck's head snapped up hearing his father "What the hell happened? Why weren't you watching her." he seethed

"I...I was, we were escorted out and was about to get into the limo. She ran off and stole some guys sports car.  We were not far behind her, I was trying to tell her off when she crashed. I'm sorry."

"Rosalie Bass?"  Everyone urned to the doctor who was in scrubs.

"I'm here father."

"Miss Bass is in a very delicate state, We've had to put her into an induced coma, she has welling in her brain, fractured ribs,a fractured hip..." the doctor continued to list of her injuries and what they would do. With each injury Chuck broke even more.

"When can we see her?" Nate asked

"It won't be for a while, we're still running some test and we'll set her up but someone will let you know." The doctor left them alone

"Call your parents and ask them to pick you up." Bart ordered the others and they took out their phones. Bart glared at his son who looked utterly broken. The others left but Bart and Chuck stayed. Chuck was drinking water to sober himself up.

"The airbag didn't deploy." Chuck commented Bart turned his attention to his son "So was just crumpled up in there like some rag doll with no protection but a seatbelt." Bart took out his phone and left the room to make a phone call.


The sun began to rise when they were finally let into to see Rose. So many wires were connected to her she was in several casts.

That image would haunt him forever

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