Chapter Twelve - Vanessa...

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I stood looking over the sketches and then to my dress for the masquerade Ball

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I stood looking over the sketches and then to my dress for the masquerade Ball. I smirked and put the sketches down then zipping the garment bag, which held the real version, back up. I left my room

"Arissa. I'm going up to Dan and Jenny's" I told her

"Okay." I left my apartment and carried going on upwards till I came to the Humphrey's door. I knocked and a few minutes later Dan opened it.

"Rose, hey." he opened it wider for me to enter.

"Daniel." I greeted then saw his father in the kitchen "Hey Rufas. Oh are you making the famous waffles."

"Dan told you about them. You want some?" He asked and i nodded adamantly, I had been wanting to try them for a while.

"Please." I sat at the breakfast bar. Jenny came in.

"Oh is that Blair's thing for the ball. "

"A ball Dan questioned as Jenny transferred boxes to a big bag."

"Haven't you heard. Your sister's Cinderella." Rufus joked

"And let me guess your wicked Step Sister is Blair Waldorf." I slapped his chest.

"Don't be mean that's my best friend."

"Blair asked me to do a few things, I'm happy to help." Jenny retorted

"If she helps you with an invite and and a outfit..." Rufus trailed off

"It'll be worth it."

"Jenny, Freshman aren't invited neither is sophomore it's juniors and seniors only. Although if you want to be Cinderella you could always sneak in."


"Blair will tell you the same thing, minus the sneaking in part. Tonight is going to be fun, the game is afoot."

"Since when do you quote Sherlock Holmes?" Dan questioned

"Since Chuck and I got bored one year and decided to come up with a game. Girls design there dress for ages, I take a sneak peak and compromise the best bit from each outfit. Put on a mask and people think they know who you are. You get to know the most interesting things." I chirp. It was a tradition and fun which is what I had needed with everything going on.

"Seriously, so what are you wearing then?" Jenny wondered

"To quote a resident blogger. That's a secret I'll never tell. Unless your Chuck and my dressmaker oh and Arissa, I'm surprised Serena hasn't asked you." I shrug

"We've been out on two dates. It's not like we have to do everything together."

"Well I have to got and deliver this stuff let me know if you need me to pick up a tux." Jenny left again.

"Why don't you come with me? Or is it to pretentious for your taste. Or are you waiting for Serena to ask?" I question, Dan holds his hands up at my rapid fire.

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