Chapter Twenty Seven - Dodging Nate

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What's the difference between Gossip and scandal? So glad you asked UES Forever

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What's the difference between Gossip and scandal? So glad you asked UES Forever. Anyone can commit a minor indiscretion and generate a day's worth of buzz. But in order for gossip to birth a true scandal it requires the right person to be in the wrong place. Take one 'it' girl on a pedestal add a crowd eager to see her fall and give them the means to bring her down.

Is S really with child?

"Shut the fuck up!" I shout looking down at my phone. Arissa snaps her head up as she make a pesto pasta salad.

"What?" She questioned

"Gossip girl just posted a picture of Serena buying and pregnancy test. Oh Dan is gonna be so freaked." I informed her

"Well take this and make sure he's alright and Miss Rose make sure you leave the teasing until you know the full story." she handed me my lunch and I took it then left. I waited for Dan and Jenny to come down.

"Does he know?" i asked the young blonde

"If your referring to Gossip girl's new blast. Yes I do. Please no jokes." he sighed I slipped my arms through both of theirs.

"I swear until you know if it's true, I will be nothing but nice." I told him and he breathed a little sigh of relief

"Can we talk about something else like your need to tell the truth to someone very important." Dan changed the subject back to me telling Nate about my brother and Blair.

"I will, I will. I just need to work up to it."

"Rosie, your the girl that kneed your brother in the balls and issued and ultimatum to two thirds of the junior class." Dan retorted incredulously as we exited our building

"Wait she did that?" Jenny questioned

"Yeah, and she followed through, when Nate took the fall to protect someone, she sent what was it three tips in to Gossip girl.?" he thought out loud trying to remember

"That was entirely different." I scoff

"But you admit the right thing to do would be to tell the truth, even if they don't believe you at first." I sigh

"If I make a plan to to tell him, will you shut up?"

"Absolutely." he agreed and the n shut up as I turned to his sister.

"Your brother drives a hard bargain." Took out my phone and texted Nate.

"I'm busy today, but tomorrow after school, that way I have time to gear up to drop a freaking bombshell." Nate agreed to come over tomorrow after school. I knew he would want to know sooner.

"But Jenny you have to help me dodge, I do not what this to gown down on school grounds. not at first."

"What's the secret." she wondered

"When Nate know's you will too. Please."

"Okay." sh agreed


During school I actively avoided Nate, anytime I saw him I went the other way. Jenny helped me out a lot, she texted me if she saw him somewhere and even got me out of a few close calls. I went to work after school. Back at home I was doing my homework when there was a ferocious knock on my door. I opened it. Jenny shoved past me.

"I know the secret, I know what you want to tell Nate." she breathed

"Jenny, slow down."

"I over heard Dan talking with Serena." she explained as I went into the kitchen and grabbed two juices.

"Overheard or eavesdropped, you forget I'm a sibling too." I raised an eyebrow

"True it's probably one of the few ways we get to know the good stuff. Blair slept with your brother and you're going to tell Nate. That's the big secret, but what I think what you don't know it's not Serena who had the pregnancy scare it was Blair."

"Wait what?" she nodded

"No that's impossible Chuck can't be the Dad."

"That's what I heard" she shrugged as i handed her, her drink, which she took gratefully.

"Well the chances are less likely, he wears a condom, much as I found that gross to hear I was actually relieved, And Blair sleet with Nate as well."

"Seriously?" she exclaimed and I nodded

"The night of Cotillion, that's why Chuck was so pissed and high tailed it to Monaco." We both sat down on the sofa. Arissa was in the next room watching some foreign film as part of a virtual movie night. She came out and gave us a small wave before grabbing a water and some snacks.

"I hear you give me a second." she went back into her room and closed the door.

"I thought she was supposed to keep an eye on you."

"She is, haven't you noticed the door is majorly creaky, she has the room with he fire escape so I can't do a runner." I stated all the ways that I couldn't do something easily "Will you be with me tomorrow, when I tell Nate, you can be my witness of sorts."

"Yes." she agreed


The next day at school, I was cornered by Nate.

"So what is so important, that you have to tell me?" He wondered. Damn I should have had Jenny do recon.

"Nathaniel. What I have to say is serious enough that I think it should be done in private and away from prying eyes. Trust me once you know you'll thank me that I took such an action." I pushed him away slightly.

"It's that bad."

"Find me after school." I say walking away.

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