Happy Birthday Lilia!

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Note: Hehe,yeah. No reader inserted here either and Silver is around 8.

Silver and Lilia were in the garden outside their house, training. The boy wanted to practice using a sword, however, there were none suited for his body. The one in his hands had a beautiful polished blade and the handle had a few hints of green. The sword itself was almost half of his body and very heavy. Lilia was behind him, helping.
"Silver, try holding it a little higher..." As he said that, he helped position his arms.
The boy then swung the sword, leaving it in the tree. He used all his power to do that since he wanted to keep the sword where his father told him to.
"You lowered it..." the man sighed.
"It was too heavy." Silver complained.
"I know, i know. We shall ask Malleus if he has anything smaller for you."
And so, he used his hand to mess up the boy's hair, before taking the sword from the ground, it fell as they were talking.
"Now, what would you like to eat ?" He asked as the two headed inside.
"I'm cooking with you old man." His son replied after a pause.
"Fufufu, of course~"

As the two were cooking, Silver seemed to be trying his best not to fall asleep, making Lilia sigh.
"Silver, do you know what day is today ?" He asked.
"Sometime in...may ?" The boy answered. The forest their house was in was magically protected, so there weren't always drastic changes.
"It is actually the end of December."
Silver's eyes grew wide as he heard those words, then his face turned into a pout. There was no snow. That made Lilia giggle.
"Regardless of the absence of snow, tomorrow is the start of a new year. There is a tradition of staying up until the end of the day and the new year's beginning." He then explained.
"I've never heard of that before!"the boy said, a little mad at his father for not telling him before.
"You fell asleep before i got the chance to." He replied with a smile.
The two continued doing their cooking in silence for a while.
"Old man, when is your birthday ?" Silver finally asked. The man seemed surprised, it was true that his son had never asked that before, but he wasn't the only one.
"It's been a rather long while since the last time someone has celebrated it...but...i believe that it should be the first of January."
Something inside of Silver felt strange, it was tomorrow and he hadn't prepared anything.

After they ate, it was proved that what Lilia said was right, he fell asleep right after, at the table. The man had to carry him to his room.

In the morning, the boy felt a strange determination, he was going to jog and think of something special to do for his father's birthday.
He put on his clothes quickly and started running, however he couldn't come up with any ideas.
He decided to stop and truly think about that for a while.
As he was trying to come up with an idea he saw a bat. He was used with seeing them, but this one seemed like he was trying to make him follow it. Since bats seemed to have some kind of connection with Lilia he decided to follow him.

The bat guided Silver to a cave, it seemed like a normal one but something attracted his attention. It was a beautiful flower, even in the darkness he could see a faint pink light shining from it, he knew that would be the best present for his father. The boy tried to get closer to it, but the bats didn't agree. They only guided him there to see the place not to enter. They all blocked his entrance.
"No, let me..." he tried to protest, but it was useless. He decided to retreat, the animals were attacking mercilessly with their small claws.
He ran back to his original path, and once he got to a brightly lit part of the forest, he realised that they stopped following him.
Silver took a deep breath and rested with his back against a tree, his sleeping curse kicked in. Regardless of how much he fought it, it was useless. His eyes slowly closed and his conscience faded away.

"Silver!" He heard his father screaming his name, he was clearly worried.
"Yes?" The boy finally managed to mutter, he was in his home. His father probably found him and brought him there.
After muttering just that one word, and getting up slowly, Lilia hugged him tightly, he seemed scared to lose him again.
"Silver, where were you wandering ?" He asked, not parting away from his son.
Silver began explaining what happened in the morning. He ended his story by telling Lilia that he needs to get there again.
Instead of being angry, or scolding him, his father sighed and a small, sad, smile appeared on his face.
"All this for this old man's birthday ?" He asked and the boy nodded.
"All right then, we shall head to the cave right away!"
Silver's eyes lit up as the man gave him his hand.

Thankfully, the boy had great memory so finding the cave wasn't that hard.
The moment the two were in front of the cave, Silver squeezed Lilia's arm tightly, he knew he was safe and had no reason to be scared of bats, but the small scars they left still ached.
The man let out a small laugh before entering the cave. The animals did fly out in every direction, but they completely avoided the two.
"Can i...?" Silver asked when he saw there were no more bats, pointing towards the darker part of the cave.
His father giggled, he waved his hand and light filled the place. It was truly amazing every time he saw him doing any kind of magic.
"You may." He answered, letting go of the child's hand and giving him a light push instead. He ran towards the place he saw the flowers.

After a while the two headed home, Silver had a satisfied smile on his face. That smile was somehow contagious, since Lilia had it as well. Once they got home, Silver locked himself in his room, without giving his father any explanation, he just let him be.

It was late, the sun almost disappeared with it's beautiful shades, letting the moon take over. Lilia was watching the scenery unfold before him when the boy ran towards him.
"What have you created ?" He asked with a smile. Silver handed him a flower crown, it had strange black flowers on it, flowers he has never seen before. He took the object in his hands and put it on his head, smiling.
"Just wait!" The boy then told him, determined.
And so, the two waited for a while, until darkness fully took over. Silver told his father to turn off the lights.
"So ?" He asked, excited.
Lilia took the crown off his head and finally noticed the pink light coming from the flower's corners.
"...pink might be a great dye color." He said, turning the lights back on and putting the crown on his head once again.
"Happy birthday old man!" Silver wished him and received a warm smile.
"Make sure you don't vanish again next year." He replied, making the boy feel a little embarrassed.


And so, Lilia bring the new year with him~
Can i just mention how cute his birthday card is ?


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