School is closed!

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Note: Remember when i said that sense doesn't apply here ? I meant time. The concept of time doesn't and won't exist.

You are around 3 or 4 here.


"Riddle, where are we going ?~~" You asked as you held the prefect's hand. Due to some issues NCR was closed for a few days, the problem was that you couldn't stay there either.

"My sisters won't act too kindly towards her.." Cater said, making you pout. You actually wanted to meet his sisters.
"I won't be able to keep my eyes on her since i'll have work to do." Trey told you.
"I would really like to take you with me but i don't want my mother to have another child to take care off." Was Deuce's excuse, and he did look somehow sad too.
"I really don't know how to take care of a small child and my brother is working so..." Ace said, patting your head.
"Riddle if you really ca-" the vice-prefect tried to say but the red-haired boy cut him off.
"No, i'll take her with me. My mother will have to understand..." Riddle said. "You and Che'nya live close by too so i can manage." He continued, forcing a small smile.

The boy looked at you, who was excited and happy to meet his mother and exit the college for the first time in your life. That excitment calmed him down a little. His mother had to understand, it was a must.
"We will pass through this mirror and go to my hometown..." He told you, spacing out when he mention the last word.
"Yaay! Riddle's hometown!" Your attempt to raise his mood seemed to work.

"Rosehearts, are you sure you can pass through with (Y/n) ?" Crowley asked, a little worried. The prefect put his arms around you, trying to hold you as close as possible, you weighted much more than when you were a baby so carrying you was impossible for him. He nodded.

"Are you ready to jump ?" He asked you and you nodded.

The 'road' was short but it made you a little dizzy. When you arrived your head began to hurt a little but when he asked you what was wrong you just shook it off and said that it was nothing.

You were on a street full of houses, you could even see Trey a few meters away, waving his hand before entering a bakery. Riddle didn't move his eyes from the door in front of him, the door to his house. He was shaking slightly, so you grabbed his hand and smiled at him, he smiled back and seemed to calm down a little.

He knocked on the door slowly and what was actually 2 or 3 seconds felt like hours for him.
"Coming!" A woman's voice was heard from inside the house. The boy held his breath, his heart staring to beat faster, he held your hand a little tighter.

When he was about to run away the door swung wide open to reveal a woman who looked a lot like Riddle. The refect's eyes widened as his mother was checking him, her eyes then landed on you.
"And who exactly are you ?" She said coldly, but you were too small to understand her cruelty.
"I'm (Y/n)! I'm 4 years old!" You introduced yourself happily. The woman gave you a disgusted look.
"Care to explain ?" She asked her son, he felt the anger boiling inside of him. It was fine if she acted coldly towards you, he was expecting it, but the disgusted look she gave you made him angry.
"Heartslabyul's child." He answered, straightening his back. "She doesn't belong to you and you have no reason to hate her." He continued, now making his mother be the shocked one. They were about to start fighting most likely.
"Miss! Miss! You seem to have a very beautiful house!" You said, reminding them you were there.

The two of you only entered to let your things there, Riddle thought it would've been a waste to not check out some sweets from around the town, so you left pretty soon.

"Riddle! Riddle!" You called him out while walking towards one of his favourite bakeries.
"Yes ?" He answered as he turned his head towards you.
"Do you not enjoy staying with your mother ?" You asked, looking innocent, obviously having no idea about what happened between them...but there was also a hint of sadness in your eyes.
"It's not that i don't enjoy spending time with's complicated..." he  said, but couldn't look you straight in the eyes.
"Most mothers are kind so you don't have to worry!" He then told you, trying to smile.
"What about my mom ?" That question truly took him by surprise,however...

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