Your first steps

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Note: Don't feed babies those things.


Everyone had different schedules since they were in different classes and years, however from the five of them Riddle was the one with the most different schedule, since he was the only second year. So it was no new thing for him to have to take care of you all alone. When this happened, he would either ignore you completely or read you some strange rules.

Of course that there were some good things too. Sometimes he would bring some pudding from the cafeteria or some cake Trey made, for himself at the beginning, but you would always get some of it.

You saw some people, perhaps other students from Heartslabyul, being scared by him, others, like Deuce, respected him greatly.

"Perfect Rosenheart can be a little...cruel sometimes..." You would hear Ace complain sometimes.
"Always obeying all of the Queen's strange rules must be tiring, even for him." Cater said when the subject was brought up. They were the type who feared him.

"Some rules might be a little strange, but the fact that perfect Rosenheart still follows them means that he truly respects and admires the Queen of Hearts!" Or something similar would be Deuce's counter. You could hear the admiration in his words.

"I know that Riddle can be hard to understand sometimes, but he is a good guy." Trey told you before leaving it with him.

So you have made your choice. You were going to impress Riddle.

He was sitting at his desk reading a book, however, his magical pen was on the floor. He probably dropped it by accident when he picked the book.
It seemed as if he didn't notice.

Since you were already on the floor, you decided to let go of the toy in your hands and pick up his pen. You crawled towards it, as fast as you were able to manage, and picked up the pen. Now to make Riddle notice you were had to be taller, and to be taller should probably use your legs. Grabbing the lowest bookshelf with one nand, the other one holding the pen tightly, you started your attempt at getting up.

"Huh ?" Riddle asked himself when his hand randomly touched his jacket's pocket. It was missing. His heart started to beat faster as he searched the pen all over his desk. He jumped out of his seat in pure panic, but that didn't stop you.

You smiled when your eyes met his, and started to make your way towards the boy. Your first 2 or 3 steps were successful, after that you started losing balance. Exactly when your face was about to meet the floor, Riddle picked you up along with his pen. He patted your head lightly.
"Thank you, (Y/n). I don't know what i would do without you." He said, smiling.

"What ?! She took her first footsteps and you didn't even take a video ?!" Cater scolded the prefect.
"Such a pity i didn't get to see you." Trey sighed, rubbing your cheek.
"And she did give you your magical pen ?" Deuce asked, looking at you and then at Riddle. The boy red-haired boy nodded.
That made Ace run towards you and mess your already messy enough short (h/c) hair.
"You are heartslabyul's little angel, right ?" He teased.
"Lwitle angwel!" You mumbled after him, making him and the other laugh.


It was finally weekend, nobody had to go to school but the teachers had been cruel, especially to the third years.

"I would ask Leona to stay with you, he has some experience, but i'm afraid i can't." Ruggie told you as he picked you up. "So you'll have to stay with Jack for a while..." he then sighed.

You tilted your head as he dramatically handed you to the first year before snickering and waving you goodbye.
"Rugwuie.." you muttered before looking up at Jack with a sad face.

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